Triumvirate 0.5.0 | Coderz Product

Triumvirate 0.5.0

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Triumvirate 0.5.0

Three-Point Clustering Measurements in LSS

Triumvirate is a Python/C++ software package for measuring three-point (and
two-point) clustering statistics in large-scale structure (LSS) cosmological


Comprehensive documentation including the scientific background,
installation instructions,
tutorials and
API reference
can be found at


Python package

Triumvirate as a Python package is distributed through
PyPI and
Conda. Instructions for installation
can be found on the Installation
page in the documentation.

C++ library & program
Triumvirate as either a static library or a binary executable can be
built using make. Instructions for compilation can be found on the
page in the documentation.

Development mode
Both the Python package and the C++ library/program can be set up in
development mode with make, provided that dependency requirements are
satisfied (GSL and FFTW3 libraries are mandatory while an OpenMP library
is optional).
First git clone the desired branch/release from the GitHub repository and
change into the repository directory path:
git clone --branch <branch-or-release>
cd Triumvirate
Then, execute in shell:
make clean
make [py|cpp]install [useomp=(true|1)]
where cpplibinstall or cppappbuild respectively builds the C++
static library or binary executable only, cppinstall builds both,
pyinstall builds the Python package only, and install builds
all of the above. To enable OpenMP parallelisation, append useomp=true
or useomp=1 to the end of the second line as shown above.

The latest release is on the main branch. The default Makefile
(located at the repository directory root) should work in most
build environments, but may need to be modified as appropriate.

See the Installation
page in the documentation for more details about dependency requirements.

If enabling OpenMP, ensure the C++ compiler used supports it and is
configured accordingly. The default Makefile (located at the repository
directory root) assumes the GCC compiler and OpenMP library. See the
page in the documentation for more details.

Pass option -j[N] -O to make to run multiple concurrent jobs
for parallel building (optional parameter N is the number of
parallel jobs; see GNU Make Manual).


To acknowledge the use of Triumvirate in your published research, please
cite the publications linked above; for convenience, you can refer to the
files CITATION.cff and for the relevant information in
different formats.


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC)
under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
(Grant agreement ID: 853291).
Key underlying numerical algorithms were originally developed by
Naonori S Sugiyama, and are available in the GitHub repository hitomi.
We thank the JOSS reviewers, William Coulton
(@wcoulton) and Alfonso Veropalumbo
(@alfonso-veropalumbo), for
their valuable feedback and suggestions (openjournals/joss-reviews#5571),
which have improved the functionality and documentation of the code.


User feedback and contributions are very welcome. Please refer to the
contribution guidelines.

Discussions & Wiki

A community forum
for users and developers is hosted on GitHub, where you can receive
announcements, post questions, share ideas and get updates.
A wiki site collects wisdoms
for specific use cases and user environments.

Release notes are included in the change log.


Triumvirate is made freely available under the GPL-3.0 licence (or any later version).
Please see LICENCE (located at the repository directory root) for full
terms and conditions.
© 2023 Mike S Wang & Naonori S Sugiyama


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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