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A library providing a tuple data structure.
Status - complete #
We consider this package to be feature complete. With Dart 3.0, users now have
the ability to use Records:
Records are an anonymous, immutable, aggregate type. Like other collection
types, they let you bundle multiple objects into a single object.
var record = (123, true);
print('${record.$1}: ${record.$2}');
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By and large, Records serve the same use cases that package:tuple had been
used for. New users coming to this package should likely look at using Dart
Records instead. Existing uses of package:tuple will continue to work, however
we don't intend to enhance the functionality of this package; we will continue
to maintain this package from the POV of bug fixes.
Usage example #
const t = Tuple2<String, int>('a', 10);
print(t.item1); // prints 'a'
print(t.item2); // prints '10'
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const t1 = Tuple2<String, int>('a', 10);
final t2 = t1.withItem1('c');
// t2 is a new [Tuple2] object with item1 is 'c' and item2 is 10.
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