Ubuntu Iso Download 21.1 | Coderz Product

ubuntu-iso-download 21.1

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ubuntuisodownload 21.1

Ubuntu ISO Download

Download the latest Ubuntu ISOs
This is used to download Ubuntu ISOs and verify hash of the download. The following flavors are available:

Ubuntu Desktop
Ubuntu Server
Ubuntu Netboot (mini.iso)
Ubuntu Budgie
Ubuntu Kylin
Ubuntu MATE
Ubuntu Studio

The release is the codename and must be a currently supported release and defaults to the latest LTS. Only the amd64 architecture is supported for download.
For verification, the SHA-256 hash file and signed GPG hash file are both downloaded. The signed GPG file is used to verify that the hash file is valid and the expected hash saved. Once the ISO is downloaded, the SHA-256 hash is calculated and compared to the expected value. If a mismatch occurs the download ISO is deleted.
Users can obtain ubuntu-iso-download as a snap:
snap install ubuntu-iso-download --classic

Or via PyPI:
pip3 install ubuntu-iso-download

A user needs to provide at the very last the flavor of ISo to download. By default, this will then download the latest released LTS of that flavor:
# Latest LTS of Ubuntu desktop and server
ubuntu-iso-download desktop
ubuntu-iso-download server

A specific, supported release can be specified as well:
# Ubuntu Xenial of Ubuntu server
ubuntu-iso-download server xenial
# Ubuntu Cosmic of Xubuntu
ubuntu-iso-download xubuntu cosmic

Other options available to a user:

--dry-run to not download anything and instead show the URL that would be downloaded
--debug provides additional verbose output

ubuntu-iso-download <platform> [release] [--dry-run] [--debug]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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