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uioexoplanetgroup 0.6.0
UiO exoplanet group: data processing tools and knowledge base. Created for Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics and its successor Centre for Planetary Habitability.
From PyPI
From sources
Building a wheel
From PyPI
$ pip install uio-exoplanet-group
From sources
$ cd /path/to/uio-exoplanet-group/
$ pip install .
Add an -e argument, if you'd like to automatically update your locally installed package by pulling from the repository or/and if you intend to modify the sources:
$ pip install -e .
Building a wheel
You can also build a wheel and distribute/install that instead:
$ cd /path/to/uio-exoplanet-group/
$ python -m build
$ pip install ./dist/uio_exoplanet_group-*.whl
utility - reusable/common utility modules;
tasks - special module for performing particular tasks.
Wherever you see a reference to some data files in documentation, examples, comments or anywhere else, for example some function taking a path like ./data/systems-528n.pkl, check the data folder - chances are, that file will be provided there.
There are two different pieces of documentation.
Located in documentation. This is the package API documentation, which is published here.
It is generated with pdoc:
$ pip install pdoc
$ cd /path/to/uio-exoplanet-group
$ rm -r ./documentation/_deploy/*
$ UIO_PACKAGE_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) pdoc ./src/uio/utility ./src/uio/tasks \
--template-directory ./documentation/_templates/ \
--edit-url="uio=" \
--output-directory ./documentation/_deploy/
$ cp ./documentation/{favicon.ico,phab.jpg} ./documentation/_deploy/
For now it's a blunt deployment of generated HTML, but later it probably will be better to rely on GitHub Actions (if it won't spend too much of free quota) by customizing this workflow.
Located in wiki. This is general purpose / technical manuals, articles, notes, etc: how to install/build various tools, dependencies, how to set-up environments and so on.
It is meant to be published somewhere else, but for now it will do being a part of repository. GitHub wikis could've been an option, but those are still quite bad in terms of organizing the content.
To run tests:
$ pip install pytest
$ python -m pytest ./src/uio/tests/*[^_*].py
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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