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unfor19appy 1.0.0rc21
This project attempts to consolidate best-practices all around the area of creating a Python package, including the development process, and package distribution process.
Visit this project's Wiki Pages (docs) to learn how it all works.
Quick Start
To run the application, go ahead and use pip or Docker.
Requires Python v3.6 and above
$ pip install -U unfor19-appy
$ appy
Created the file: $HOME/python-project/meirg-ascii.txt
Insert your name: meir gabay
Hello Meir Gabay, here's the cat fact of the day:
Unlike humans, cats do not need to blink their eyes on a regular basis to keep their eyes lubricated.
$ cat $HOME/python-project/meirg-ascii.txt
Requires Docker
$ docker run --rm -it unfor19/appy bash
$ (container) appy
Created the file: /app/meirg-ascii.txt
... # Same as above
$ (container) cat /app/meirg-ascii.txt
Expand/Collapse - contents of meirg-ascii.txt
packaging python
python sample project
setuptools package discovery
Created and maintained by Meir Gabay
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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