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usbadc10 1.0.1
This is a python binding for usbadc10 cross-platform library for USBADC10 - a device that converts an input analog signal into a discrete code, includes 10 channels of a 12—bit ADC, an STM32 microcontroller and a USB interface that supplies power and reads digitized data.
pip install usbadc10
Minimal example
from usbadc10 import Usbadc10DeviceHandle
# Set correct device URI here
# Format for Windows: com:\\.\COM5
# Format for Linux: /dev/ttyACM0
device_uri = r'com:\\.\COM5'
device = Usbadc10DeviceHandle(device_uri)
raw_data_all_channels = list(device.get_conversion_raw().data)
print("List of raw ADC counts from all channels:\n", raw_data_all_channels)
voltage_all_channels = list(device.get_conversion().data)
print("List of voltages from all channels (in cV=10*mV):\n", voltage_all_channels)
voltage_all_channels_mV = [value/10 for value in voltage_all_channels]
print("List of voltages from all channels (in mV):\n", voltage_all_channels_mV)
# Close the device
More information
usbadc10 website:
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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