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v flutter
v_flutter #
A new flutter plugin project.
Getting Started #
This project is a starting point for a Flutter
plug-in package,
a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for
Android and/or iOS.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our
online documentation, which offers tutorials,
samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
引入 #
import 'package:v_flutter/v_flutter.dart';
Toast(方法) #
VToast( context: context, message: "这是提示信息", position: ToastPosition.CENTER, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 3000), );
Confirm(方法) #
VConfirm( context: context, message: "这是提示信息", title: "标题", cancelText: "取消", confirmText: "确认", onCancel: () { print("onCancel"); }, onConfirm: () { print("onConfirm"); }, );
Confirm(方法) #
VCalendar(context: context, type: 1);
Loading(方法) #
VLoading loaingView = VLoading( context: context, msg: "载入中", canceledOnTouchOutside: true, ); loaingView.close();
Picker(方法) #
VPicker( context: context, onConfirm: (value) { print(value); }, options: [ {"label": "成都", "value": "1"}, {"label": "重庆", "value": "2"}, {"label": "德阳", "value": "3"}, {"label": "自贡", "value": "4"}, {"label": "南充", "value": "5"}, {"label": "遂宁", "value": "6"}, ], );
Rate(组件) #
VRate( value: 0, count: 5, onChange: (value) { print(value); }, ),
components plan
1.Toast 添加 icon,设置 icon 位置;
3.Progress (进度条)
4.Slider (拖动进度)
5.Switch (开关)
6.Radio (单选)
7.CheckBox (多选)
8.Calendar (开关)
9.Upload (上传)
10.BottomSheet (底部弹出)
11.Tooltip (提示)
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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