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vmm manager 1.0.4
Python script that manages resources in the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM), in a declarative way, based on a YAML configuration file.
Breaking changes
The inventory file schema has completely changed. See the inventory_example.yaml file for more details.
The command parameters were renamed to be more consistent.
The API and inventory schema are now stable.
You need a Windows machine, which will serve as the access point to SCVMM, with the following tools:
SCVMM's PowerShell Module (virtualmachinemanager), installed with the Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) Console. You can also get it at
pip install -U vmm-manager
How to use
Use the command below to see the available options:
vmm_manager -h
Environment variables
You can set environment variables to avoid passing the same parameters every time you run the script. See an example in the .env.default file.
Example of a inventory file
Install Poetry
Run the following commands to install Poetry:
# install
curl -sSL | python3 -
# auto-completion
# Bash
poetry completions bash >> ~/.bash_completion
Environment variables (optional)
Use the .env.default file as a template to create a .env file with the environment variables needed to run the script. You can load them by running the command export $(cat .env | xargs) before executing the script.
How to run
# Loading environment variables (optional)
export $(cat .env | xargs)
# Install dependencies
poetry install --no-root
# Run
poetry run python -m vmm_manager -h
Helpful commands
# Poetry shell
poetry shell
# Add a dependency
poetry add <pacote> [--dev]
# Update dependencies
poetry update
# Run linting
flake8 . && isort --check-only --diff .
# Fix dependencies sorting
isort .
# Run tests
python -m pytest -vv
# List virtualenvs
poetry env list
# Remove a virtualenv
poetry env remove <name>
Virtual Machine Manager
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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