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A Flutter package that makes navigation and routing easy.
Learn more at vrouter.dev
Here are a few things that this package will make easy:

Automated web url handling
Nesting routes
Advanced url naming
Reacting to route changing
Customizable pop events
And much more...

Index #

Getting started




Useful notions


Compose VRouteElements
Create custom VRouteElements


Relative path
Path parameters
Path parameters regexp


Go Beyond

Initial url
Named route

Much more

Getting started #
VRouter #
VRouter is a widget which handles the navigation, it acts as a MaterialApp but also takes a routes arguments.
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false, // VRouter acts as a MaterialApp
routes: [...], // Put your VRouteElements here
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VRouteElements #
VRouteElements are the building blocs of your routes.
Note that they are not widgets but the way you use them is very similar to widgets.
VWidget #
VWidget maps a path to a widget:
VWidget(path: '/login', widget: LoginScreen())
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VGuard #
VGuard allows you to take actions when the route is accessed/leaved:
beforeEnter: (vRedirector) async => , // Triggered when a route in stackedRoutes is first displayed
beforeUpdate: (vRedirector) async => , // Triggered when a route in stackedRoutes is displayed but changes
beforeLeave: (vRedirector, _) async => , // Triggered when VGuard is not part of a new route
stackedRoutes: [...],
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VRouteRedirector #
VRouteRedirector redirects from a route to another:
VRouteRedirector(path: '/old/home', redirectTo: '/home')
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VNester #
VNester are used when you need to nested widgets instead of stacking them:
path: '/home',
widgetBuilder: (child) => MyScaffold(body: child), // child will take the value of the widget in nestedRoutes
nestedRoutes: [
VWidget(path: 'profile', widget: ProfileScreen()), // path '/home/profile'
VWidget(path: 'settings', widget: SettingsScreen()), // path '/home/settings'
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VPopHandler #
VPopHandler helps you control pop events:
onPop: (vRedirector) async =>, // Called when this VRouteElement is popped
onSystemPop: (vRedirector) async =>, // Called when this VRouteElement is popped by android back button
stackedRoutes: [...],
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Navigation #
Navigating is easy, just access VRouter with context.vRouter and navigate:
context.vRouter.to('/home'); // Push the url '/home'

context.vRouter.toSegments(['home', 'settings']); // Push the url '/home/settings'
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Useful notions #
Composition #
VRouteElements are designed like widgets: compose them to create the route you need.
Compose VRouteElements #
To compose VRouteElements, use the stackedRoutes attribute (or the nestedRoutes attribute for VNester):
// Composing a VGuard and a VWidget
beforeEnter: (vRedirector) async => !isLoggedIn ? vRedirector.to('/login') : null,
stackedRoutes: [
VWidget(path: '/home', widget: HomeScreen()),
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Create custom VRouteElements #
You can even create your own VRouteElement, as you extend VWidget. You just need to extends VRouteElementBuilder:
class HomeRoute extends VRouteElementBuilder {
static String home = '/home';

List<VRouteElement> buildRoutes() {
return [
// LoginRoute.login = '/login' for example
beforeEnter: (vRedirector) async => !isLoggedIn ? vRedirector.to(LoginRoute.login) : null,
stackedRoutes: [
VWidget(path: home, widget: HomeScreen()),
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and then use this VRouteElement as any other:
routes: [
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This can be used to:

Separate you different routes in different VRouteElement
Create reusable VRouteElement
Use static String to organise your paths

Note: you often want to use a shared VNester in different VRouteElementBuilders, for this specific use case, see vrouter.dev/Custom VRouteElement And Scaling
Path #
Relative path #
Paths can be relative: if you don’t start your path with /. If you use null, the path will be the one of the parent:
path: '/home',
widgetBuilder: (child) => MyScaffold(body: child),
nestedRoutes: [
VWidget(path: null, widget: HomeScreen()), // Matches '/home'
VWidget(path: 'settings', widget: SettingsScreen()), // Matches '/home/settings'
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Path parameters #
Paths can have path parameters, just use “:” in front of the path parameter’s name:
VWidget(path: '/user/:id', widget: UserScreen())
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And access it in your widgets using:
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Wildcards #
Wildcards are noted * and there are of one of two types:

Trailing wildcards (a path ending with *) will match everything
an in-path wildcard (a wildcard between slashes) will match one word

// Redirects any path to '/unknown'
VRouteRedirector(path: '*', redirectTo: '/unknown')
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Path parameters regexp #
Path parameters can use regex, just put the regex in parentheses. This is often used in VRedirector to redirect any unknown route:
// The path parameter name is “bookId” and it uses the regex “\d+” to match only digits
VWidget(path: r':bookId(\d+)', widget: BookScreen())
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Note that such a VRedirector should be used as your last route otherwise it will always be matched.
Aliases #
Use aliases for multiple paths:
// Matches '/settings' and '/other'
VWidget(path: '/settings', aliases: ['/other'], widget: SettingsScreen())
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VRedirector #
You often want to redirect or stop the current redirection in VGuard and VPopHandler. For that purpose, you get a VRedirector:
beforeEnter: (vRedirector) async => !isLoggedIn ? vRedirector.to('/login') : null,
stackedRoutes: [...],
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VRouterData #
VRouter contains data (such as the path or path parameters) that you might want to access in your widget tree. There are 2 ways of doing do:
// Use the context

// Use the builder constructor of some VWidget or VNester
path: '/:id',
builder: (context, state) => Book(id: state.pathParameters['id'] as int),
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Go Beyond #
We have just scratched the surface of what VRouter can do. Here are a few other things which you might like.
Initial url #
Maybe you want to redirect people to a certain part of your app when they first launch it, then use initialUrl:
initialUrl: '/home',
routes: [...],
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Logs #
By default, VRouter shows logs of every navigation events.
You can remove these logs using VLogs.none:
logs: VLogs.none,
routes: [...],
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Named route #
You might have to access a deeply nested VRouteElement and don’t want to have to write the full url. Just give a name to this VRouteElement:
VWidget(path: 'something', widget: SomeWidget(), name: 'deep')
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And navigate using toNamed:
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Transitions #
You can either specify a default transition in VRouter, or a custom one in VWidget or VNester
// Default transition
buildTransition: (animation1, _, child) => FadeTransition(opacity: animation1, child: child),
routes: [
// The custom ScaleTransition will play for '/user'
path: '/user',
widget: UsersScreen(),
buildTransition: (animation1, _, child) => ScaleTransition(scale: animation1, child: child),
// The default FadeTransition will play for '/settings'
VWidget(path: '/settings', widget: SettingsScreen()),
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Much more #
There is so much more that this package can do, check out the example
or have a look at the vrouter.dev website for more documentation and more examples.
Also don’t hesitate to join us on discord !


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