15 Watt Wsgi 0.9.3 | Coderz Product

15Watt-Wsgi 0.9.3

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15WattWsgi 0.9.3

A slim, fast and comfortable WSGI-Framework for Python >= 3.6.
Tested with 3.10 + 3.12.
Uses https://github.com/defnull/multipart for handling the multipart/form-data requests instead of cgi.FieldStorage.
pip3 install 15Watt_Wsgi
You can clone the repository and
install the package to a directory, from where you can import python packages.
cd /path/to/your/import/able/python/packages
git clone git@github.com:django15wattnet/15Watt_Wsgi.git

SRC Documentation
The Apache2 Configuration
Read the mod_wsgi docu.
<VirtualHost x.x.x.x:port>
ServerName your.server.name
DocumentRoot /path/to/static/files # Where your static html-files are stored

WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/python/files/application.py # Where your application.py is stored and invoked by calling http[s]://your.server.name/
WSGIProcessGroup name_of_your_wsgi_daemon_process # The name of your WSGIDaemonProcess

# For development, each request loads a new python interpreter / application.py, no need the reload the web server
WSGIDaemonProcess name_of_your_wsgi_daemon_process user=yourUnixUser group=yourUnixGroup processes=1 threads=1 maximum-requests=1 home=/path/to/python/files python-path=/path/to/python/files

# For a production enviroment change processes, threads and maximum-requests to your needes

# The confiuration for the static files
<Directory /path/to/static/files/>
# Read the Apache2 docu https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#directory
Options -Indexes -FollowSymLinks -MultiViews -Includes
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
allow from all

# The configuration for the application directory
<Directory /path/to/python/files/>
# Read the Apache2 docu https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#directory
Require all granted
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin '*' # I'm not sure if this is needed

# Alias for the static, directly by the web server, deliveryed files and directories
Alias /favicon.ico /path/to/static/files/favicon.ico
Alias /css/ /path/to/static/files/css/
Alias /js/ /path/to/static/files/js/
Alias /img/ /path/to/static/files/img/


# Your other Apache configurations


Project Layout
The Application
Create a application.py file in /path/to/python/files:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Kernel import Kernel

kernel = None

def application(env: dict, start_response):
global kernel

if kernel is None:
kernel = Kernel()

return kernel.run(env=env, startResponse=start_response)

All requests are handled by the Kernel.run method. WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/python/files/application.py
The Kernel is a singleton and is created only once per lifetime of the application. By this, the configuration und the routes are loaded only once.
Only files and/or directories definded by Apache Alias directives are delivered by the web server drircetly!
The routes definitions tells the Kernel witch request path ist mapped to witch controller and method.
Create a routes.py file in /path/to/python/files:
Example routes without parameters in the path
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Route import Route, HttpMethods

routes = [

A request to / will be handled by from Controllers.AggregationController import AggregationController staticPageAction method.
A request to /qcell will be handled by from QCell.StaticPagesController import StaticPagesController indexAction method.
Example routes with parameters in the path
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Route import Route, HttpMethods

routes = [
params = {
'id': 'int',
'what': 'str'

A request to /do/42/machWas will be handled by from Controllers.DoWiredStuffController import DoWiredStuffController doStuffAction method with the parameters id=42 and what='machWas'.
The types of the parameters in the path can be python types ìnt or str.
The Request Class
represents the request from the client.
Have a look at the, hopefully, well documented code.
The Response Class
represents the response send to the client.
Have a look at the, hopefully, well documented code.
The controllers orchestrate the work to be done. Receive the request, do the work and return the response.
A very simple example Controller
from 15Watt_Wsgi.BaseController import BaseController
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Request import Request
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Response import Response

class ExampleController(BaseController):

def __init__(self, config: dict):

def getAction(self, request: Request, response: Response):
response.stringContent = 'Hello World'
response.contentType = 'text/plain
response.returnCode = 200

Will send the string 'Hello World' with the content type 'text/plain' and the return code 200 to the client.
Do what ever you want in your getAction method 😊.
A controller with a method that gets parameters from the route
The route with parameters in the path /path/to/python/files/routes.py:
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Route import Route, HttpMethods

routes = [
params = {
'id': 'int',
'what': 'str'

The controller /path/to/python/files/Controllers/ExampleController.py:
from 15Watt_Wsgi.BaseController import BaseController
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Request import Request
from 15Watt_Wsgi.Response import Response

class ExampleController(BaseController):

def __init__(self, config: dict):

def withParamsAction(self, request: Request, response: Response):
response.stringContent = f'Hello World, id = {request.get('id)} what = "{request.get('what')"}'
response.contentType = 'text/plain
response.returnCode = 200

When the client requests /with/params/42/machWas
the response will be Hello World, id = 42 what = "machWas"
with the content type 'text/plain' and the return code 200.
request.get('id) will return the value of the parameter id as type int from the request.
request.get('what) will return the value of the parameter what as type str from the request.
The configuration file
is expected in /path/to/python/files/config.py
as a simple assignments of variables to values.
key1 = 'Value1'
confVar2 = 42

The Kernel will load the configuration file and make the variables, as a dict, available to the controllers,
in the property 'self._config
whit this content:
'key1': 'Value1',
'confVar2': 42

I use Cheetah3 for the templates.
Use what ever you like as your template engine.
At this moment (2024-06-01) I'm not shure the BaseTplController is necessary.
Have a look at the ToDos.
Use what ever you like as your ORM or database access.
At this moment SqlObject is needed.

Make the use of SqlObject optional
Change the language of the comments and documentation from german to english
Write and test a configuration for nginx


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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