Webcontent Converter | Coderz Repository


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webcontent converter

webcontent_converter #
This plugin was made for developer to convert any webcontent, web uri to image bitmap or pdf file. This plugin use WebView on android, WKWebView on Ios and chromium for desktop support. This plugin was test for android, ios and desktop.
Support : #

✓ Android Minimum SDK Version: 21
✓ IOS minimum target Version: 11
✓ Deskop linux, windows, macos



Methods #

filePathToImage(String path, double duration) : path is asset path and duration is delay time. This function will return Uint8List Image

var bytes = await WebcontentConverter.filePathToImage(path: "assets/receipt.html");
if (bytes.length > 0) _saveFile(bytes);
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webUriToImage(String uri, double duration) : uri is web uri(url) and duration is delay time. This function will return Uint8List Image

var bytes = await WebcontentConverter.webUriToImage(
uri: "");
if (bytes.length > 0) _saveFile(bytes);
copied to clipboard

contentToImage(String content, double duration) : content is html or web content and duration is delay time. This function will return Uint8List Image

final content = Demo.getReceiptContent();
var bytes = await WebcontentConverter.contentToImage(content: content);
if (bytes.length > 0) _saveFile(bytes);
copied to clipboard
*** Purpose: The three above functions will help developer to get screenshot of html content as Uint8List Image and push it to esc printer


filePathToPdf(String path, double duration, String savedPath, PdfMargins margins, PaperFormat format )

var dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
var savedPath = join(dir.path, "sample.pdf");
var result = await WebcontentConverter.filePathToPdf(
path: "assets/invoice.html",
savedPath: savedPath,
format: PaperFormat.a4,
margins: PdfMargins.px(top: 35, bottom: 35, right: 35, left: 35),
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webUriToPdf(String uri, double duration, String savedPath, PdfMargins margins, PaperFormat format )

var dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
var savedPath = join(dir.path, "sample.pdf");
var result = await WebcontentConverter.webUriToPdf(
uri: "",
savedPath: savedPath,
format: PaperFormat.a4,
margins: PdfMargins.px(top: 35, bottom: 35, right: 35, left: 35),
copied to clipboard

contentToPDF(String content, double duration, String savedPath, PdfMargins margins, PaperFormat format )

final content = Demo.getInvoiceContent();
var dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
var savedPath = join(dir.path, "sample.pdf");
var result = await WebcontentConverter.contentToPDF(
content: content,
savedPath: savedPath,
format: PaperFormat.a4,
margins: PdfMargins.px(top: 55, bottom: 55, right: 55, left: 55),
copied to clipboard
*** Purpose: The three above functions will help developer to get pdf printed file of html content as. It will return a savedPath when saved successful otherwise null
Desktop top #
flutter pub run webcontent_converter:install_desktop download
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This cli will download the chrome version base on your current operating system and save into path assets/.local-chromium/ directory as a zip file
flutter pub run webcontent_converter:install_desktop extract
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This cli will extract the chrome zip file based on your current operating system and save into path assets/.local-chromium/ directory
add this code into your flutter app will help you to ship chromium zip in asset directory into production build for desktop deployment
var executablePath = await ChromeDesktopDirectoryHelper.saveChromeFromAssetToApp();
WebViewHelper.customBrowserPath = [executablePath];
await WebcontentConverter.ensureInitialized(executablePath: executablePath);
copied to clipboard


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