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webobsclient 1.1.0
WebObs Python client.
webobsclient is available on PyPI. You can install the latest version by
typing this command:
pip install -U webobsclient
Making Requests
You need to specify username and password credentials of your WebObs login
access in order to make a request. For example:
import webobsclient
client = webobsclient.MC3Client(username='USER', password='PASSWORD')
response, content = client.request(
slt=0, y1=2019, m1=6, d1=15, h1=0, y2=2019, m2=7, d2=15, h2=4, type='ALL',
duree='ALL', ampoper='eq', amplitude='ALL', locstatus=0, located=0,
hideloc=0, mc='MC3', dump='bul', graph='movsum')
Sometimes, using y1, m1, d1, and h1 options are inconvenient. You can
use starttime, and endtime options indicating the time range of your
request. For example:
import webobsclient
client = webobsclient.MC3Client(username='USER', password='PASSWORD')
response, content = client.request(
starttime='2019-06-15 12:00:00', endtime='2019-07-15 12:00:00', slt=0,
type='ALL', duree='ALL', ampoper='eq', amplitude='ALL', locstatus=0,
located=0, hideloc=0, mc='MC3', dump='bul', graph='movsum')
Note that starttime and endtime options are only available on MC3Client.
Another example for Sefran3 client:
import webobsclient
client = webobsclient.Sefran3Client(username='USER', password='PASSWORD')
response, content = client.request(
s3='SEFRAN', mc3='MC3', date='201907150829', id=550)
Note that date time in the request and WebObs are both in UTC time zone. If
you're using local time zone, you should convert it to UTC time zone before
making the request.
Parsing MC3 CSV Bulletin
webobsclient provides some utility classes to enable parsing MC3 CSV from
WebObs response:
import webobsclient
from webobsclient.parser import MC3Parser
client = webobsclient.MC3Client(username='USER', password='PASSWORD')
response, content = client.request(
type='VTA', starttime='2019-10-01', endtime='2019-10-31', slt=0,
duree='ALL', ampoper='eq', amplitude='ALL', locstatus=0, located=0,
hideloc=0, mc='MC3', dump='bul', graph='movsum')
parser = MC3Parser(as_local_tz=True)
The above example request VTA earthquake event to the WebObs MC3 bulletin from
2019-10-01 to 2019-10-31. We create a parser instance with
as_local_tz=True option. This will convert any columns with date time type
from UTC to Asia/Jakarta time zone because MC3Parser class uses Asia/Jakarta
time zone by default. Method to_dict() will convert MC3 CSV to Python
dictionary. Parser class uses Pandas DataFrame as underlying data layer.
MC3 CSV is parsed using pre-defined columns schema. You can see the columns
schema in webobsclient/
For more information about available methods and options, see the source in
Changing the WebObs Host
This package primarily used at BPPTKG to interact with our WebObs server.
Default WebObs host in library is If your WebObs host is
different, you can change the WebObs host as follows:
import webobsclient
client = webobsclient.MC3Client(username='USER', password='PASSWORD') = ''
Supported WebObs Clients
Currently only WebObs MC3 and Sefran3 is supported. More client will be added in
the future version.
This project is maintained by Indra Rudianto. If you have any question about
this project, you can contact him at
By contributing to the project, you agree that your contributions will be
licensed under its MIT license. See
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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