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web3piproxy 0.4
RPC Reverse Proxy
A reverse proxy for Geth intended for use within Web3Pi ecosystem.
RPC Reverse Proxy comes out-of-the-box with several features:
Multiple geth nodes - you can hide multiple Geth nodes under single instance of reverse proxy
JSON-RPC parser - our custom parser validates JSON-RPC requests before they reach the nodes
Admin portal - comes embedded in, allowing you the following:
Authentication - generate API-keys and control access to your reverse proxy
User plans - control how much data users can process
Activity stats - see how much data each user processes, monitor node usage
Admin API - use JSON-RPC based API to perform various operations on your reverse proxy
Simply install web3pi-proxy package using your Python package manager, using pip for example:
pip install web3pi-proxy
RPC Reverse Proxy expects you to provide ETH_ENDPOINTS environment variable to your system.
It should be a list of endpoint descriptors for JSON-RPC over HTTP communication with Geth.
Refer to the following example:
export ETH_ENDPOINTS='[{"name": "rpi geth 1", "url": "http://eop-1.local:8545/"}, {"name": "infura", "url": "<YOUR_INFURA_API_KEY>"}]'
You can define as many endpoints as you wish and chose their names however suits you.
After configuring endpoints, you can run your reverse proxy with command
Admin service
Admin service starts alongside the reverse proxy.
You can access admin webpage with your browser using admin server's URL and providing admin auth token as a 'token' query param, like so:<ADMIN_AUTH_TOKEN>
Reference Image
The admin auth token will be output to your terminal, during the launch.
Token is not stored and will be randomly generated on each launch.
Outside of admin portal, the admin service allows several operations, performed by submitting JSON-RPC requests.
Use admin auth token in Authorization header of your HTTP POST request for authentication.
Get list of currently configured endpoints, no parameters required.
Add new endpoint at runtime by providing its name and URL. For example, in order to add endpoint local under URL localhost:8545 :
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "add_endpoint", "params": ["local", "http://localhost:8545/"], "id": 0}
IMPORTANT: Resulting changes are saved in local .env file for reuse.
Change existing endpoint's configuration at runtime by providing its name and URL. For example, in order to change endpoint's local port to 8546 :
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "update_endpoint", "params": ["local", "http://localhost:8546/"], "id": 0}
IMPORTANT: Resulting changes are saved in local .env file for reuse.
Remove endpoint at runtime by providing its name. For example, in order to remove endpoint local :
{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "update_endpoint", "params": ["local"], "id": 0}
IMPORTANT: Resulting changes are saved in local .env file for reuse.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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