Welcomescreenflutter | Coderz Repository


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TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
know whether this package might be useful for them.
Example #
void main()=>runApp(MaterialApp(
home: MyApp(),

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
List<PageData>pageData=[PageData('Fresh Food', 'Make a beautiful clean and fully functional onboarding screen layout in Android StudioIn this part we are going to setup the viewpager intro slider.Illustra...', 'assets/logo.png'),
PageData('Fast Delivery', 'Make a beautiful clean and fully functional onboarding screen layout in Android StudioIn this part we are going to setup the viewpager intro slider.Illustra...', ''),
PageData('Easy Payment', 'Make a beautiful clean and fully functional onboarding screen layout in Android StudioIn this part we are going to setup the viewpager intro slider.Illustra...', '')];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: IntroPage(numberOfPage: 3,
pageData: pageData,indicatorSize: 14,
activeIndicatorColor: Colors.redAccent,
onPageChange: (value){

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Features #

TODO: List what your package can do. Maybe include images, gifs, or videos.
Getting started #
TODO: List prerequisites and provide or point to information on how to
start using the package.
Usage #
TODO: Include short and useful examples for package users. Add longer examples
to /example folder.
const like = 'sample';
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
TODO: Tell users more about the package: where to find more information, how to
contribute to the package, how to file issues, what response they can expect
from the package authors, and more.


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