Wf Fastapi Auth0 1.0.5 | Coderz Product

wf-fastapi-auth0 1.0.5

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wffastapiauth0 1.0.5

Wildflower FastAPI/Auth0 integration
Basic token verification for FastAPI and Auth0. Also includes support for the Wildflower Permissions API, which provides centralized Role/Domain based access control.
Environment Configuration
AUTH0_DOMAIN Domain to auth against within Auth0
API_AUDIENCE Audience the tokens should target
CLIENT_ID Client ID for machine-to-machine authenticatio for checking user Profiles
CLIENT_SECRET Client Secret for machine-to-machine authenticatio for checking user Profiles
For permissions-api integration (optional)
TOKEN_EMAIL_DOMAIN Domain to add to client_credentials for email address for wf_permissions integration
TOKEN_DOMAIN Domain to add to client_credentials for wf_permissions integration
PERMS_API_URI URI for permissions API
PERMS_API_AUD Audience to auth against with machine-to-machine tokens


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