Wfdserver 24.2.19 | Coderz Product

wfdserver 24.2.19

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wfdserver 24.2.19

Winter Field Day log aggregating server


Winter Field Day log aggregating server

What is it
No really what is it
Configuration and first run

What is it
Winter Field Day is a once a year 24hr
emergency preparidness event for radio amateurs (Hams). During the event, we try
and make as many radio contacts with other Hams in a 24 hour period. Bonus
points are awarded for operating outside or using alternate power sources, such
as battery/solar/wind. You can find out more about Winter Field Day by visiting
the WFDA. You can find out more about amateur radio
by visiting the ARRL.
No really what is it
This server listens to multicast logging packets generated by multiple wfdlogger
clients. So a group or club can submit a group cabrillo log.

pip install wfdserver

usage: wfdserver [-h] [-l]

Winter Field Day aggregation server.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l, --log Generate log

Configuration and first run
When executed for the first time, the server will not find a configuration file.
When this happens, the server will place a fresh copy in the local directory.
Press CTRL-C to end the program then edit the configuration file now found at
./server_preferences.json. Unless you have good reason to, don't change the
multicast settings.
"ourcall": "W1AW",
"ourclass": "3O",
"oursection": "ORG",
"name": "Hiram Maxim",
"address": "225 Main Street",
"city": "Newington",
"state": "CT",
"postalcode": "06111",
"country": "USA",
"email": "",
"bonus": {
"altpower": false,
"outdoors": false,
"notathome": false,
"antenna": false,
"satellite": false
"mullticast_group": "",
"multicast_port": 2239,
"interface_ip": "",
"node_red_server_ip": "",
"node_red_server_port": 12062

Under the bonus section, if your group qualifies for a bonus, put true next
to the type of bonus.
Save the file and relaunch the wfdserver application.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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