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whecho 0.0.5
linux echo but with webhooks! ⚓
Don't guess when a job is finished! Have it message you!
python 3.6+
pip install whecho
First Time Setup
obtain a webhook URL
Currently supports:
webex (with markdown)
Initialize the default_url
$ whecho --init
Current config:
[1] default_url: None
[2] user: craut
[3] machine: craut-spectre
Please enter the number/name of the config option you would like to modify (empty or Q to exit): 1
Please enter the new value for default_url: <WEBHOOK_URL>
Successfully modified default_url to <WEBHOOK_URL>!
Current config:
[1] default_url: <WEBHOOK_URL>
[2] user: craut
[3] machine: craut-spectre
Please enter the number/name of the config option you would like to modify (empty or Q to exit): q
Successfully initialized whecho!
general usage (from shell/console)
$ whecho "hello there"
usage from python
from whecho.whecho import whecho_simple
whecho_simple("I'm inside python 🐍")
advanced usage
$ whecho --help
usage: whecho [-h] [--version] [-m MSG] [--init] [-u URL] [-d] [MSG [MSG ...]]
Linux echo with webhooks! ⚓
positional arguments:
MSG The message to echo.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version Prints the version of whecho and exits.
-m MSG, --msg MSG The message to echo (same as 1st positional argument).
--init Initializes whecho. Also used to change current config.
-u URL, --url URL The webhook URL to send the message to.
-d, --debug Whether to print debugging information.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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