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wherewasi 0.2.3
Parse Google’s Semantic location into human-readable form
Getting Started:
To use where-was-i, install it in one of several ways.
$ git clone
cdwherewasi pip install .
$ where-was-i <args> *
or by using pip:
pipinstallwherewasi where-was-i <args>
or by using the container build (does not support wildcards):
$ git clone
cdwherewasi make
$ ./where-was-i <args> < <filename>
where-was-i ~/2017/*
where-was-i -s -p ~/2017/2017_JANUARY.json
where-was-i < ~/2017/2017_JANUARY.json
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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