Win32 Registry | Coderz Product


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win32 registry

A package that provides a friendly Dart API for accessing the Windows Registry.
This package builds on top of the Dart win32 package,
offering a high-level Dart wrapper that avoids the need for users to understand
FFI or write directly to the Win32 API.
Usage #
A simple example that reads the Windows build number from the Windows Registry:
import 'package:win32_registry/win32_registry.dart';

void main() {
const keyPath = r'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion';
final key = Registry.openPath(RegistryHive.localMachine, path: keyPath);

final buildNumber = key.getValueAsString('CurrentBuild');
if (buildNumber != null) {
print('Windows build number: $buildNumber');

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More examples can be found in the example subdirectory.


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