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wopmars 0.1.5
WopMars is a database-driven workflow manager written in python similar to GNU Makefile or Snakemake.
The difference is that the definition file of WopMars takes into account input/output SQLITE table defined as python
paths to SQLAlchemy models.
You can install the latest WopMars version via “pypi”:
pip install wopmars
Run a quick example:
wopmars example
cd example
pip install -e .
wopmars -D sqlite:///db.sqlite -w Wopfile.yml -v
If there were not errors, you can look at the content of the sqlite db.
$ sqlite3 db.sqlite '.tables'
Piece wom_TableInputOutputInformation
PieceCar wom_TableModificationTime
wom_Execution wom_ToolWrapper
wom_FileInputOutputInformation wom_TypeInputOrOutput
$ sqlite3 db.sqlite "select * from Piece limit 5"
The WopMars documentation with user guide and
API reference is hosted at Read The Docs.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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