Xdat 0.1.229 | Coderz Product

xdat 0.1.229

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xdat 0.1.229

What is xdat?
xdat (eXtended Data Analysis Toolkit), is a set of utilities that help streamline data science projects.

Monkey-patches common packages to add useful functionality
Helps with standardization of plots in projects
Includes useful tools (like caching)

Warning: this isn't even in "alpha" yet, and will likely have changes that are not backwards-compatible.
Ubuntu 20.04
> pip install xdat

Optionally, can also install:
> sudo apt -q -y install libeigen3-dev
> pip install git+https://github.com/madrury/py-glm.git


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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