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xdptestharness 0.1.4
XDP test harness
A test harness that can be used to test the implementation of XDP and XDP
Python 3.5, bcc, Pyroute2, Scapy
To start the test harness, run python3 -m xdp_test_harness.runner in a folder
containing tests as a superuser. There are three commands that can be used:
Start a client, running tests using network interfaces to process packets by XDP
program. One can further specify which tests to run, using unittest's format.
That is modules, classes and methods separated by dots, for example python3 -m xdp_test_harness.runner client test_general.ReturnValuesBasic.
Similar to the client command, but uses the BPF_PROG_TEST_RUN syscall
command instead of a server to process packets by an XDP program.
Starts a server, used by client command to send packets.
Configuration of interfaces to be used for testing is done in the
file. In the configuration file there are two variables:
A variable specifying the interface of the server, used for testing, and
the interface of the server used for communication with a client.
local_server_ctx = ContextServer(
ContextCommunication("", 6555),
List of contexts specifying one physical testing interface and one virtual
testing interface. Elements of the list are either ContextClient objects,
for physical interfaces, or objects created by new_virtual_ctx function,
for virtual interfaces.
remote_server_ctxs = ContextClientList([
ContextLocal("enp0s31f6", xdp_mode=XDPFlag.SKB_MODE),
ContextCommunication("", 6555)
ContextLocal("a_to_b", xdp_mode=XDPFlag.DRV_MODE),
ContextLocal("b_to_a", xdp_mode=XDPFlag.DRV_MODE),
ContextCommunication("", 6000),
Creating new tests
To create a new test, create a class inheriting from XDPCase. This class
should be located in a file named with a test_ prefix and placed in the
tests folder. Each method of this class, that should be run while testing,
has to be named with a test_ prefix.
Each test should either call both load_bpf and attach_xdp methods in this
order, before calling send_packets, or be decorated with
usingCustomLoader and attach own XDP program to the interface. After
attaching attaching an XDP program, calling send_packets, returns a
SendResult object, containing lists of packets that arrived to each
interface engaged in testing.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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