Xinput Gui 0.3.1 | Coderz Product

xinput-gui 0.3.1

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xinputgui 0.3.1

A simple GUI for Xorg's Xinput tool.

xinput allows you to edit properties of devices like keyboards, mice, and touchpads. This GUI wraps around the xinput command to make editing them faster and more user-friendly.

xinput-gui depends on Python 3.5+, GTK+ 3.20+, PyGObject, and xinput.
Arch Linux
Available as a package on the AUR: xinput-gui
Install it with makepkg or your preferred AUR helper.
Available as a Gentoo package thanks to @filalex77: app-misc/xinput-gui
To install it, run the following commands:
eselect-repository enable bright
emerge --sync
emerge xinput-gui

Available on PyPI: xinput-gui
Install it with pip: pip install --user xinput-gui.
Manual install
Clone this repo and run ./ install --user.
Just run xinput-gui. Selecting a device will list all of it's properties. When editing them, changes will be applied immediately.
xinput-gui is written in Python 3. The GUI uses GTK+ 3 and was made using the Glade interface designer.
Please feel free to open issues with bugs, feature requests, or any other discussion you find necessary.
Pull requests are always welcome, but please make sure that there's an open issue for the bug you're fixing/feature you're adding first. Pull requests that are submitted that haven't already been discussed likely won't be or will take a while to be accepted. This is the kind of tool that can easily become bloated/difficult to use/get out of scope, so I do want to be fairly careful about what features are added.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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