Xr Objects: Augmented Interaction

XR-Objects: Augmented Interaction

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XR-Objects introduces a novel interaction paradigm for mixed reality (XR) environments. It focuses on enhancing real-world analog object interactions by generating actionable, auto-anchored context menus in augmented reality (AR). The project leverages cutting-edge technologies like ARCore, MediaPipe, and the Gemini multimodal LLM to facilitate seamless object recognition and interaction without pre-registration or markers.

This repository includes:

  1. Unity project files for Android implementation, utilizing ARCore and MediaPipe.
  2. A project template for future development on XR headsets (Quest 3, Vision Pro, etc.).


Object Interaction:

  • Auto-generated Context Menus: Contextual menus allow users to take actions such as querying metadata, adding notes, or setting timers for detected objects.
  • Supported Object Classes: Includes everyday objects like bottles, cups, bowls, laptops, and more. Classes can be expanded via configuration.

Integration with Gemini LLM:

  • Facilitates metadata retrieval about objects, enabling tasks like:
    • Asking real-time questions.
    • Comparing objects in the scene.

Expandable Features:

  • Developers can add custom context menu actions via Unity Editor.

Device Compatibility:

  • Android app implementation with ARCore.
  • XR headset compatibility via OpenXR with external webcam integration for object detection.


Android Implementation:

  • Unity 2020.3 or higher (specific version requirements in the repository).
  • ARCore and MediaPipe dependencies.
  • Gemini API key for object metadata queries.
  • Android 7.0 (API level 24) or higher.

XR Headset Implementation:

  • Unity 2020.3 or higher with OpenXR support.
  • External webcam for object detection on headsets like Quest 3.
  • ADB installed for APK installation on the headset.


For Android Implementation:

  1. Clone the Repository: Pull or clone the repository to your system.
  2. Open in Unity Hub:
    • Navigate to the ARCoreMP directory.
    • Open it as a project in Unity Hub. Install the required Unity version if prompted.
  3. Set Target Platform:
    • Set the target platform to Android in Build Settings.
    • Configure project settings:
      • Scripting Backend: IL2CPP.
      • Minimum API Level: Android 7.0 (API level 24).
      • Target Architectures: ARMv7 and ARM64.
  4. Select the Scene:
    • Use the SceneXRObjects in the Assets/XRObjects/ folder.
    • Ensure it's the only selected scene in Build Settings.
  5. Configure Gemini API Key:
    • Obtain an API key from the Gemini developer page.
    • Set this key in the ImageQuery.cs script (located in Assets/XRObjects/Scripts/).
  6. Build and Run:
    • Build the project for Android.
    • Deploy and run the app on your Android device.

For XR Headset Implementation:

  1. Clone the Repository: Pull or clone the repository.
  2. Open in Unity Hub:
    • Navigate to the DemoHeadset directory.
    • Open it as a project in Unity Hub. Install the required Unity version if prompted.
  3. Set Target Platform:
    • Set the target platform to Android in Build Settings.
    • Configure project settings:
      • Scripting Backend: IL2CPP.
      • Minimum API Level: Android 7.0 (API level 24).
      • Target Architectures: ARM64.
  4. Select the Scene:
    • Use the SceneDemoHeadset in the Assets/XRObjects/SceneDemoHeadset/ folder.
    • Ensure it's the only selected scene in Build Settings.
  5. Build the Project:
    • Locate the compiled APK on your computer.
    • Use the command adb install -r -d -g name_of_the_file.apk to install it on the headset.
  6. Use External Webcam:
    • Plug in an external webcam to the headset.
    • Grant camera access when prompted.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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