Yam Sort 1.0 | Coderz Product

yam-sort 1.0

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yamsort 1.0

Ever needed to compare two YAML files, when the keys were out of order?
Maybe you've tried cutting and pasting to move the keys around, wondering if there's
a better way?
Well, now there is - yam_sort!
Okay, I may have been watching too much late-night TV. But this library was
born out of frustration working with YAML files.
I was using AWS API-Gateway YAML templates,
which sometimes get exported in random order (especially when there are changes to it),
making it hard to
compare with git-checked-in copies. After the nth time moving keys around, I
decided to automate it.

Do basic diff-ing of YAML files, while ignoring the order of keys/sub-keys.
Re-order a second dictionary/YAML file, to match the first file. Ignore missing keys,
move extra keys to end of list.

This is a very narrowly-focussed library - it sorts one YAML file to match the
key-order in another YAML file. But I don't know of any other automated way of
doing this, and got tired of doing it manually.
Pip Requirements

virtualenv (optional, but highly recommended)

# activate a virtual environment
pip install yam_sort

yam_sort -h
yam_sort -s file_one file_two # synchronizes second file with first,
writes to stdout
yam_sort -s file_one file_two -o # synchronizes second file with first,
overwrites second file
yam_sort -k file_one file_two # lists key-differences between files

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s first second, --sync file_one file_two sync two YAML files
-o, --overwrite saves output to second file
-k first second, --keys file_one file_two diff two YAML files by keys only

Since the intent of this library is to compare YAML files that were exported from
AWS API-Gateways, the resulting sorted-file has to be as similar as possible.
This includes formatting of the keys/values in the file. AWS exports keys as unquoted,
and all string-values as quoted. Therefore, this library copies the formatting
from the original file, in the output-file. If a string was double-quoted, it
will (should) be double-quoted in the output, and the same for single-quoting, etc.
Known Bugs
Some values can be multi-line, particularly in the section:


These do not get properly copied over to the output-dict.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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