Yamltool 0.1.2 | Coderz Product

yamltool 0.1.2

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yamltool 0.1.2

YAML tool, a clone of the json.tool Python module for YAML.
This tool provides a simple command line interface to validate and pretty-print
YAML documents while trying to preserve as much as possible from the original
documents (like comments and anchors).

usage: yt [-h] [-i] [files ...]

YAML tool, a clone of the json.tool Python module for YAML.

This tool provides a simple command line interface to validate and pretty-print
YAML documents while trying to preserve as much as possible from the original
documents (like comments and anchors).

positional arguments:
files a YAML file to be validated or pretty-printed

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i, --in-place Perform the pretty-print in place, overwriting the existing files.

When enabling --in-place, all files are processed as input files.
When --in-place is not enabled and there are more then 2 files
passed, the last files is considered as the output file. If you
wish to pretty-print multiple files and output to standard out,
specify the last file as "-" .
Please note that specifying multiple input files will concatenate
them, resulting in a single file that has multiple documents.

pre-commit hook
YAML tool can be used as a pre-commit hook by
adding the following to your .pre-commit-config.yaml file:
- repo: https://git.shore.co.il/nimrod/yamltool.git
rev: 0.1.2
- id: yamltool

This software is licensed under the MIT license (see the LICENSE.txt

Nimrod Adar, contact me or visit my website. Patches are welcome via git send-email. The repository is located
at: https://git.shore.co.il/nimrod/.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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