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yawp 2.1.1
usage: yawp [-h] [-V] [-H] [-v] [-M USAGE_MODE] [-y TEXT_EDITOR] [-l]
[text_files ...]
Yet Another Word Processor, a word processor for plain text files, with PDF export
"YAWP" here means Yet Another Word Processor, and YAWP is a pure-Python Linux-only free
and open-source word processor for plain text files, with PDF export. If you really need
all the endless features of a full-fledged WYSIWYG word processor as LibreOffice Writer,
YAWP is not for you. But if you just want to create a draft or a simple quick-and-dirty
no-frills document, give YAWP a try.
YAWP's main features are:
• YAWP has a GUI interface, but can be used as a CLI command too
• YAWP processes in place a single plain text file, hereinafter referred to simply
as the "text file"
• YAWP's default editor allows you to edit the text file and check its spelling
• YAWP before rewriting the text file creates a timestamped backup, allowing Undo
• YAWP justifies text at left and right in:
• unindented paragraphs
• dot-marked indented paragraphs (as this one)
• YAWP text processing is driven by the text in the text file and by arguments only,
not by commands or tags embedded in text
• YAWP accepts unjustified pictures (as schemas, tables and code examples) freely
intermixed with text
• YAWP performs automatic multi-level renumbering of chapters and inserts an
automatic Contents chapter in the text file
• YAWP recognizes relevant subjects (quoted by '"') and inserts an automatic Index
chapter in the text file
• YAWP performs automatic multi-level renumbering of figure captions and inserts an
automatic Figures chapter in the text file
• YAWP cuts the text file in pages, by inserting two-lines page headers, allowing
page numbering control and insertion of initial Roman-numbered pages
• YAWP also has some graphics capabilities, you can sketch pictures with horizontal
and vertical segments (by '`') and arrowheads (by '^'), YAWP redraws them by
suitable Unicode graphic characters
• pictures can also be left-aligned, centered or right-aligned
• YAWP exports the text file in PDF format, with control over character size and
page layout, and lets you browse the generated PDF file, allowing preview and
• YAWP can export 2, 4 or 8 pages on each paper sheet side, allowing you to create
in folio, in quarto and in octavo booklets
• YAWP writes information and error messages on terminal and on the log file of the
text file
• YAWP tries to correct errors made by CUPS-PDF about font size and page margins,
you can use default corrections or redefine them by a correction file
• YAWP locks text files while they are processed, in order to avoid interference by
other concurrent YAWP executions
• YAWP in GUI mode keeps a distinct argument file for each text file
• YAWP in GUI mode saves the name of the last processed text file and restores it at
next invocation
• YAWP in GUI mode saves a list of the 25 most recent processed text files, among
which you can select the next current text file
As an example of CLI usage, the YAWP User Manual has been generated as
'YAWP 2.1.1 User Manual.txt.pdf'
from the text file
'YAWP 2.1.1 User Manual.txt'
by typing at terminal:
│ $ yawp -M f -v -w 97 -n -4 -X e -L 3cm 'YAWP 2.1.1 User Manual.txt'
where arguments mean:
• -M f: run YAWP in CLI Format mode
• -v: write messages not only into log file but also on terminal
• -w 97: set 97 characters per line
• -n -4: first four pages are numbered by Roman numbers
• -X e: export in PDF format
• -L 3cm: set left margins on odd pages and right margins on even pages to 3 cm
• 'YAWP 2.1.1 User Manual.txt': set the text file to process
To install YAWP, if your Linux belongs to the Debian family, type at terminal:
│ $ sudo apt install kwrite idle atril printer-driver-cups-pdf pipx
On other platforms you will use the specific installer instead, for instance:
│ $ sudo yum install … # on RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/Rocky/Alma Linux
│ $ sudo emerge -a sys-apps/… # on Gentoo Linux
│ $ sudo apk add … # on Alpine Linux
│ $ sudo pacman -S … # on Arch Linux
│ $ sudo zypper install … # on OpenSUSE Linux
Then run:
│ $ pipx ensurepath
│ $ pipx install yawp
Later you can type:
│ $ pipx upgrade yawp
in order to upgrade YAWP to a later version.
Now you can close the terminal, open another one, and call YAWP. Syntax is:
│ $ yawp -h # show a help message and exit
│ $ yawp -V # show program's version number and exit
│ $ yawp -H […arguments…] # browse the PDF YAWP User Manual and exit
│ $ yawp # run YAWP in GUI mode, text file from last closed session, no arguments
│ $ yawp text_file [text_file [...]] # GUI mode, explicit text file[s], no other arguments
│ $ yawp -M c […arguments…] text_file target_file # run YAWP in CLI Copy mode
│ $ yawp -M m […arguments…] text_file target_file # run YAWP in CLI Move mode
│ $ yawp -M d […arguments…] text_file # run YAWP in CLI Delete mode
│ $ yawp -M e […arguments…] text_file # run YAWP in CLI Edit mode
│ $ yawp -M f […arguments…] text_file # run YAWP in CLI Format mode
│ $ yawp -M n […arguments…] text_file # run YAWP in CLI Noform mode
│ $ yawp -M u […arguments…] text_file # run YAWP in CLI Undo mode
This is the GUI Main window, with default argument values:
│ │ YAWP - Main │ _ │ x │
│ Format -y --text-editor [gedit……………] -l --left-only-text □ ■ │
│ -w --chars-per-line [0………………………] -g --graph-pictures □ │
│ -u --lines-per-page [0………………………] -k --align-pictures ◎ no ○ left ○ center ○ right │
│ Chapters -c --contents-title [Contents……] -i --index-title [Index……………] │
│ -f --figures-title [Figures………] -F --caption-prefix [Figure…………] │
│ -m --chapter-offset [0………………………] │
│ Pages -p --page-headers ○ no ○ fullpage ○ picture ◎ chapter ○ double │
│ -e --even-left [%n……………………] -E --even-right [%f……………………] │
│ -o --odd-left [%c……………………] -O --odd-right [%n……………………] │
│ -n --page-offset [0………………………] -a --all-pages-E-e □ │
│ -s --second-line ○ no ○ blank ○ points ○ dashes ◎ solid │
│ Export -X --export-pdf ◎ no ○ export ○ browse -C --correct ○ no ◎ default ○ file │
│ -Y --pdf-browser [atril……………] -P --pdf-file [%f%e.pdf……] │
│ -W --char-width [0………………………] -A --char-aspect [3/5…………………] │
│ -S --sheet-size [A4……………………] -Z --landscape □ │
│ -L --left-margin [2cm…………………] -R --right-margin [2cm…………………] │
│ -T --top-margin [2cm…………………] -B --bottom-margin [2cm…………………] │
│ -I --multi-pages ◎ 1 ○ 2 ○ 4 ○ 8 -J --multi-sheets [0………………………] │
│ Text File ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… │
││New ││Open ││Recent││Copy ││Move ││Delete││Edit ││Format││Noform││Undo ││Log ││Help ││Exit ││
These are the 13 buttons in GUI Main window:
• text file definition:
• New: create a new empty text file
• Open: browse the file system to select an existing text file
• Recent: browse the list of recent files to select an existing text file
• Copy: copy the current text file into a new target text file
• Move: move or rename the current text file
• Delete: permanently delete the current text file
• text file processing:
• Edit: edit the current text file by the text editor defined by -y
• Format: format the current text file and redraw and align pictures and export PDF
• Noform: don't format current text file but redraw and align pictures and export PDF
• Undo: restore the current text file to its previous content
• Log: browse the log file of current text file by the text editor defined by -y
• other actions:
• Help: browse the YAWP-generated YAWP User Manual by the PDF browser defined by -Y
• Exit: quit YAWP
positional arguments:
text_files text file[s] to process, ASCII or UTF-8-encoded
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-H, --browse-manual browse the YAWP-generated PDF YAWP User Manual and
-v, --verbose write information messages on stdout too (CLI modes
-M USAGE_MODE, --usage-mode USAGE_MODE
run YAWP in this usage mode (default: 'g'=GUI, 'c'=CLI
Copy, 'm'=CLI Move, 'd'=CLI Delete, 'e'=CLI Edit,
'f'=CLI Format, 'n'=CLI Noform, 'u'=CLI Undo)
-y TEXT_EDITOR, --text-editor TEXT_EDITOR
editor for text files (default: 'kwrite')
-l, --left-only-text justify text lines at left only (default: at left and
-w CHARS_PER_LINE, --chars-per-line CHARS_PER_LINE
line width in characters per line (default:
-g, --graph_pictures redraw '`'-segments and '^'-arrowheads
-u LINES_PER_PAGE, --lines-per-page LINES_PER_PAGE
page height in lines per page (default: '0'=automatic)
align pictures (default: 'n'=no, 'l'=left, 'c'=center,
title of Contents chapter (default: 'Contents')
-i INDEX_TITLE, --index-title INDEX_TITLE
title of Index chapter (default: 'Index')
title of Figures chapter (default: 'Figures')
first word of figure captions (default: 'Figure')
offset of level-1 numbered chapters (default: '0',
min: -1)
-p PAGE_HEADERS, --page-headers PAGE_HEADERS
insert page headers (default: 'c', 'n'=no, 'f'=on full
page, 'p'=and on broken pictures, 'c'=and on level-1
chapters, 'd'=double if level-1 on even page)
-e EVEN_LEFT, --even-left EVEN_LEFT
first line of headers of even pages, left (default:
-E EVEN_RIGHT, --even-right EVEN_RIGHT
first line of headers of even pages, right (default:
-o ODD_LEFT, --odd-left ODD_LEFT
first line of headers of odd pages, left (default:
-O ODD_RIGHT, --odd-right ODD_RIGHT
first line of headers of odd pages, right (default:
-n PAGE_OFFSET, --page-offset PAGE_OFFSET
offset of page numbers (default: '0', if negative:
Roman numbers)
-a, --all-pages-E-e put in all page headers -E at left and -e at right
-s SECOND_LINE, --second_line SECOND_LINE
second line of page headers (default: 's', 'n'=no,
'b'=blanks, 'p'=points, 'd'=dashes, 's'=solid)
-X EXPORT_PDF, --export-pdf EXPORT_PDF
export and browse PDF file (default: 'b', 'n'=no,
'e'=export, 'b'=export and browse)
correct character size and page margins (default: 'd',
'n'=no, 'd'=by default values, 'f'=by correction file)
browser for PDF files (default: 'atril')
-P PDF_FILE, --pdf-file PDF_FILE
exported PDF file (default: '%f%e.pdf')
-W CHAR_WIDTH, --char-width CHAR_WIDTH
character width (default: '0'=automatic, unit:
character aspect ratio=width / height (default: '3/5',
1=square chars)
-S SHEET_SIZE, --sheet-size SHEET_SIZE
portrait paper size width x height (default:
'A4'≡'210x297mm', unit: pt/in/mm/cm)
-Z, --landscape turn page by 90° (default: portrait)
left margin (default: '2cm', unit: pt/in/mm/cm)
right margin (default: '2cm', unit: pt/in/mm/cm)
-T TOP_MARGIN, --top-margin TOP_MARGIN
top margin (default: '2cm', unit: pt/in/mm/cm)
bottom margin (default: '2cm', unit: pt/in/mm/cm)
pages on each side of paper sheets (default: '1',
values: 1/2/4/8)
paper sheets gathered together (default: '0'=export
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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