Yawrap 0.4.10 | Coderz Product

yawrap 0.4.10

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yawrap 0.4.10

Yawrap is a powerful, lightweight, pythonic pseudo-static HTML builder that works with:

pypy, pypy3.

The name comes from something like Yet Another Wrapper (of HTML code).



https://bitbucket.org/gandowin/yarap (goes obsolete)



Michał Kaczmarczyk from Poland

michal.skaczmarczy.k at gmail.com

Yawrap features

Very nice syntax

No more headache caused by closing and indentation of HTML elements!
Just write python code.
Yawrap reflects python scopes in HTML perfectly - with no mistakes and indents it natively for free.

Handle CSS and JS how you like. It can be sourced either

from local file
from url
from python string

And it can be placed:
- as internal content
- as external file
- as linked resource.
From single “All in one” HTML file to multi-page documents sharing CSS&JS resources.
Yawrap takes care for handling them properly.

SVG support
Don’t care about defining SVG structure, just write its main contents. Yawrap will take care about the whole rest.
Also typical SVG attributes which are problematic from python keyword-arguments point of view have it’s
convenience feature.

Linking local files
You can reference local files by passing its absolute path on python side and it will appear under links
relative to the current document. And you don’t have to calculate the paths.

Defining page style and scripts on python class level
Page styles can be defined by deriving Yawrap classes. This makes possibility to get the styles
shared / inherited / override in well known pythonic way.

Multi-page structure
Define multiple pages (even in complex directory structure) and don’t care about the paths.
Not existing directories will be automatically created, you just define the path of target file.

Automatic navigation
That’s ultra-nice. Probably the cutest yawrap’s feature. Create multiple pages and see how yawrap
joins them in navigation panel created for each generated page. Everything happens behind the curtains.
The only one thing you need to do is to care for the navigation’s CSS style (if you don’t like the
default navigation style provided by Yawrap).

Create intra-page bookmarks with just one command during document definition and see how they are inserted
in correct subsection of the page navigation.


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