Yazdl 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

yazdl 0.1.0

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yazdl 0.1.0


Yet Another zoomdl

Download zoom recordings
This program can be installed manually, with the source code, using pip (in this case we'll be using pipx for separated virtual environments) or, in case you are on Windows, use the latest compiled release.
Using pip
Simply type the following line into a terminal
pipx install yazdl

In case you want to install it directly from the source, simply clone this repository and cd into it.
Then, run the following command:
pipx install .

Basic usage
yazdl recording-url.zoom.us/id1 recording-url.zoom.us/id2 ...

This will download all the recordings contained in the given URLs, whose content will be shared screen and speaker cam, if applicable.
General usage
yazdl urls [options]

-h, --help show a help message and exit.
--no-speaker, -k Don't download the speaker screen.
--no-screen, -c Don't download the screen share.
--subtitles, -s Downloads the default subtitle for the meeting as srt.
--transcription, -t Downloads the meeting transcription as srt.

Just a few things I'd like to add, at least for now.
When I started writing this script, I decided to use DI in order to make something reusable, which, after a while I realized how much of a overkill this was for such a simple script. At the end, I didn't use ABCs and didn't write any tests, so it was a huge waste of time.
I'll eventually fix this mess and add a few tests, but for now, this project is not my top priority.
After I was done with the downloader, I realized that the famous youtubedl already had a module that downloads zoom recordings, which consists in a very simple and straightforward code, with just a little over 60 lines and also contains proper testing as well, sooo...
But anyway, their script couldn't properly download th recordings that I had, so maybe thua is not that much useless after all?
The thing is, I will improve this script, eventually.
At first, I picked the name zoomdl for this project, but, when uploading it to pypi test, I found out that, for no one's surprise, that there already is a project named zoomdl, and it even turns out to be an archived project, seemingly because of the advent of the aforementioned youtube-dl project. So, my go to was to use the classic "yet another" naming convention.
Welp... My objective here is not to compete against them in anyway, after all, it's all open software. I don't want this project to be born archived, so I'll be improving it bit by bit, at least for a while.
Replace setup.py and use build to build the package.
Password streams
Write tests lol


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