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ygojson 0.5.0
YGOJSON aims to be the ultimate Yugioh database - a set of machine-readable JSON files detailing:
Cards, including tokens and skill cards
Sets, including Duel Links and Master Duel sets
Archetypes and series information
Pack odds
Sealed products, such as tin contents
Data Sources
We gather our data from the following sources:
Yaml Yugi
Special thanks goes out to YGO Prog for their tireless work on discovering pack odds.
Using the Database
There are several methods of consuming the database. To get the files, you can either:
Download a ZIP file here
Download the raw JSON files on the indiviual and aggregate branches
To get the ZIP files in an automated fashion, fetch the following URLs:
For a individualized ZIP file:
For a aggregated ZIP file:
If you don't want everything, or don't want to unzip things, just fetch the following URLs for indiviudal things, with cards replaced by the type of things you want, and the UUID replaced with your UUID:
For individual card JSON files:
For a list of all card UUIDs:
For all information for all cards: (NOTE: These files are currently BROKEN and OUT OF DATE due to GitHub file size limits. Use the individuals or download the aggregates ZIP file instead!)
You may have noticed the two different ways of getting the data: individual and aggregate. The differences between the two are as follows:
individual: Each card, set, etc. is in its own JSON file, whose filename is its UUID.
aggregate: Every card, set, etc. is in one JSON file.
Within each folder should be the data you need. Check out the JSON schema for all this data here.
We have the following things available for you:
cards: Yugioh cards. This includes tokens and Speed Duel skill cards. This does NOT include Rush Duel cards, and does NOT include video-game exclusive cards.
sets: Yugioh products such as booster packs, decks, and sets of promotional cards.
series: Information about archetypes and series.
sealedProducts: Sealed products are things like booster boxes, tins, and other things that consist of a mix of packs.
distributions: Pack odds information for sets. You can use this to figure out how to make random packs of sets accurately.
The data is regenerated from our sources every day at midnight. So if you don't see the latest new cards in the database yet, wait a bit!
Viewing YGOJSON Interactively
If you want to explore the YGOJSON dataset interactively and visually, we have an application that runs in your web browser, YJViewer.
Check it out if you want to look at what we have!
The API we use to make the database has facilities for you to load any YGOJSON database and manipulate it using a convientient Python API. To get our API from PyPI, you can simply do the following:
python3 -m pip install ygojson
From there, you can write Python code to load the database and have fun with it:
# you'll need to specify where the database goes on your filesystem
INDIVIDUALS_DIR = "path/to/unzipped/individuals/dir"
AGGREGATES_DIR = "path/to/unzipped/aggregates/dir"
# import only the code that deals with the database schema
import ygojson.database as ygodb
# construct the database; you can omit one if you don't have both downloaded
# (there is also load_from_file if you already have the files)
db = ygodb.load_from_internet(individuals_dir=INDIVIDUALS_DIR, aggregates_dir=AGGREGATES_DIR)
# print the name of every card
for card in
Generating the Database
You'll need a modern version of Python, at least 3.8, to run this code. To install YGOJSON:
python3 -m pip install -e .
Then you can run the database generator via the ygojson command, or by python3 -m ygojson. Here are the command-line arguments I usually pass when testing:
ygojson --download --individuals "" --no-individuals
Try -h or --help for more command-line options.
By default, it will place the generated JSON files in the data folder. It will also create a temp folder, containing things like the Yugipedia cache. (Yugipedia takes several hours to download from a fresh cache, and hammers their servers a bit more than I'd like, so only delete that cache when absolutely necesary!)
The manual-data folder contains all the things that aren't covered nicely by any of our data sources. This includes things like pack odds and sealed products, as well as some set information.
The biggest thing you can do is report bad data. Something we have in our database incorrect? Tell us via our issue tracker! Before you do, though, please look at our data sources if you can, to see if the problem lies with their data or not. If it's with them, bring it up with them!
Another thing you can do is submit additions to manual-data when new things come out. That's also extremly helpful. Check out the READMEs in the subdirectories for more details.
If you want to contribute code changes or test your manual fixup changes, you can install YGOJSON for editing and testing like so:
python3 -m pip install -e .[dev,test]
pre-commit install
From there, you can run YGOJSON as you will, and there are some tests you can run before making your pull requests like so:
python3 test/ # runs a JSON schema validator against everything in the data/ folder
Schema Changelog
Initial release.
Python API Changelog
Replaced some common strings with enumeration values. Expanded Format, and added Language and Locale.
Fixed bug with YGOPRODECK importing of DEF values.
Deduplicated spurious booster box additions.
Changed how booster boxes work; the properties for them on sets are deprecated, and instead sealed products represent booster boxes now. Booster boxes indicate what packs they are boxes of.
Other minor bugfixes.
Fix for pack distributions not being able to be loaded properly.
Fix for pack distribution card-type filtering in slots, adding new "quota" mechanism, to properly model early TCG reprint packs.
Other small fixes in output of manually fixed up models.
Minor fix for YGOPRODECK importer.
Fixes for manual fixups.
Added ability to look up sets by Yugipedia page title.
Added support for per-locale editions and formats.
Completely revamped the Yugipedia set import process. It should be more accurate now.
Minor fixes for other importers.
Added options for downloading the data from the database module.
Fixed bugs with running on a PyPI installation.
Added documentation to the database module.
More robust YGOPRODECK support. (Sometimes their API bugs out.)
Initial release.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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