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YNABWeekly 1.0.4
YNAB Weekly Spending Reports with Python
If you want weekly mail with top 10 spending categories in You Need a Budget, you are in the right place.
This application is inspired by YNAB Weekly Spending Reports with Google Apps Script by Connor Griffin, only in Python instead of JavaScript.
How to Run
Easy. You need:
YNAB Personal Access Token.
Your Mailgun personal token (it's free to send up to 10k mails).
A place to run Python, any hosting option will do or you can use your computer!
Now, after making sure you have all of the above, install this package:
pip2 install --user YNAB-Weekly
That is all, we are ready! Use this to run:
ynab-weekly \
--ynab-api-key YNAB_KEY \
--ynab-budget-name "Budged name" \
--mailgun-api-key MAILGUN_KEY \
--mailgun-domain MAILGUN_DOMAIN \
Please report bugs in issues.
How to run in development mode
virtualenv -p python2 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install --editable .
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