Yodu 0.0.4 | Coderz Product

yodu 0.0.4

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yodu 0.0.4

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About Yodu.ai
A generic purpose Recommender System that can be configured for any UseCase.

Social Platforms
Ecommerce Websites
Video Portals
News Aggregator Websitesx

If you want to contribute just email me at shashank[at]yodu.ai . Happy to share DB and other access.
Learn more:


About Yodu.ai

Contribution Guidelines



Getting Started:
Install Yodu Library
pip install yodu

Configure Yodu
Yodu uses ElasticSearch as the default backend.
You must define these environment variables.

Interacting with Yodu Recommendation Engine
Create a Recommender
This will create various indexes required by the recommender.
recommender = yodu.create_recommender(name="example")

Load a recommender by Name
This will load the various indexes related to the recommender and also the algo_spec
if it was previously created for this recommender.
recommender = yodu.get_recommender(name="example")

Add Items to recommender
An Item represents the item that is recommended.
Example: Youtube video, ecommerce product, Article, Post etc.
Each Item must have a "source" which can be a User or a type Source
def load_test_items():
Create items with IDS: items0, item2...items99
With categories ranging from category0...category9
With source ranging from source0,...source9
items = []
for i in range(0, 100):
item = Item(
id="item" + str(i),
source="source" + str(i % 10),
"category": "category" + str(i % 10),
"source": "source" + str(i % 10),
return items

items = load_test_items()

Add Actions to recommender
Action represent interactions between Users & Items. Actions are the primary indicator on how to rank, score items.
Example: LIKE, COMMENT, READ etc.
def load_test_actions():
actions = []
for i in range(0, 100):
action = Action(
id="action" + str(i),
user_id="user" + str(i % 10),
item_id="item" + str(i),
"category": "category" + str(i % 10),
"source": "source" + str(i % 10),
for i in range(0, 100):
action = Action(
id="action" + str(i),
user_id="user" + str(i % 10),
item_id="item" + str(i),
"category": "category" + str(i % 10),
"source": "source" + str(i % 10),
return actions

actions = load_test_actions()

Enable a Provider
You use one of the built-in providers or add your own providers.
top_item_by_user_action is a built-in provider that returns top items by a user action.
For example: We can configure this provider to get top items from top liked categories
The Provider will first calculate top categories for the given user based on past likes by that user,
then it gets top items based on global likes by all users for each of those categories.
Finally, the provider will aggregate all items returned from all categories and return
the top most recommended items.
# Enable Yodu's built-in Providers

Add Algorithm Specification
The algorithm specification defines what providers the recommender must use
to generate recommendations.
In this example, the recommender will call each provider in parallel with the given configuration.
Finally, it de-duplicates and aggregates all items and orders them based on how many times an item was recommended by
given list of providers in the algo_spec.
Lastly, it will filter items based on past user interaction with the item (i.e if a user has performed some action to a
given item). So if a user has already performed a "READ" action for an item, the recommender can filter out these items.
algo_spec = {
"providers": {
"provider": "top_item_by_user_action",
"description": "Get top items from past top liked sources",
"duration": "24h",
"config": {"action_type": "LIKE", "tag": "source"},
"weight": 1,
"provider": "top_item_by_user_action",
"description": "Get top items from past top liked categories",
"duration": "30h",
"config": {"action_type": "LIKE", "tag": "category"},
"weight": 1,
"provider": "top_item_by_user_action",
"description": "Get top items from past top READ categories",
"duration": "30h",
"config": {"action_type": "READ", "tag": "category"},
"weight": 1,
"filters": {
"provider": "get_past_user_item_action",
"description": "Filter items if a user has performed any action on the item",
"duration": "24h",
"config": {"action_type": "ALL"},

Get recommendations based on the Algorithm Specification
args = {
"days_ago": "7"
request = Request(user_id="test_user_1", args=args)

items = recommender.get_items(request=request)

Full Example
import yodu
from examples.steem.helpers import load_test_items, load_test_actions
from models.request import Request

recommender = yodu.create_recommender(name="example")
recommender = yodu.get_recommender(name="example")

# Add Items to Recommender
items = load_test_items()

# Add Actions to Recommender
actions = load_test_actions()

# Enable Yodu's built-in Providers
# Add provider from Source (Coming Soon)

algo_spec = {
"providers": {
"provider": "top_item_by_user_action",
"description": "Get top items from past top liked sources",
"duration": "24h",
"config": {"action_type": "LIKE", "tag": "source"},
"weight": 1,
"provider": "top_item_by_user_action",
"description": "Get top items from past top liked categories",
"duration": "30h",
"config": {"action_type": "LIKE", "tag": "category"},
"weight": 1,
"provider": "top_item_by_user_action",
"description": "Get top items from past top READ categories",
"duration": "30h",
"config": {"action_type": "READ", "tag": "category"},
"weight": 1,
"filters": {
"provider": "get_past_user_item_action",
"description": "Filter items if a user has performed any action on the item",
"duration": "24h",
"config": {"action_type": "ALL"},

args = {
"days_ago": "7"
request = Request(user_id="test_user_1", args=args)

items = recommender.get_items(request=request)

Coming Soon
Deploying the Server
Deploying a Yodu Recommendation Server(With ElasticSearch)
git clone <repo>
cd yodu
kubectl deploy <coming_soon>

Deploying a Yodu Recommendation Server(Using your own ElasticSearch)
git clone <repo>
cd yodu
kubectl deploy <coming_soon>


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