Yolov4 3.2.0 | Coderz Product

yolov4 3.2.0

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yolov4 3.2.0

YOLOv4 Implemented in Tensorflow 2.
>=v3, :exclamation: Do not try to train. Not yet stable.
Docs: https://wiki.loliot.net/docs/lang/python/libraries/yolov4/python-yolov4-about
python3 -m pip install yolov4

tensorflow-yolov4 (3.2.0) unstable; urgency=medium

config: add yolov4-tiny-relu-new_coords.cfg
c_src: layers: add yolo_tpu_layer_new_coords
c_src, common, tf, tflite, mAP: add prob_thresh
config: add yolov4-tiny-relu-new_coords-tpu.cfg
common: base_class: modify text

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 22 Feb 2021 01:30:53 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (3.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: layers: yolo_layer: remove some operations
common: metalayer: yolo_layer: add new_coords
tf: layers: yolo_layer: implement _coords_1 for new_coords
tf: layers: convolutional_layer: add logistic activation
c_src: py_box: add get_yolo_*_detections
config: add yolov4-csp.cfg and yolov4x-mish.cfg
c_src: layers: modify yolo_tpu_layer
tf, tflite: reflect v3.1.0 changes

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Sun, 21 Feb 2021 02:37:18 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (3.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium

pypi: add 'pyproject.toml' and update 'setup.*'
common: parser: update error message
c_src: modify extended operator synonyms
c_src: change c-header to cpp-header

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 18 Feb 2021 19:02:01 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (3.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

common: parser: add parse_cfg()
common: config: implement YOLOConfig
common: metalayer: implement metalayers
common: metalayer: add YoloTpuLayer
tf: layers: implement layers
tf: layers: redefine BatchNormalization for transfer learning
tf: layers: add YoloTpuLayer
tf: dataset: refactor YOLODataset
tf: dataset: add '_augmentation_cache'
tf: training: refactor YOLOv4Loss
tf: training: implement YOLOCallbackAtEachStep
tf: training: refactor SaveWeightsCallback
tf: utils: move weights.py from tf
tf: utils: move mAP part from tf
tf: utils: move tflite part from tf and fix converting issue
c_src: py_box: add 'yolo_diou_nms'
c_src: py_box: add convert_dataset_to_ground_truth
c_src: layers: implement 'yolo_layer'
tf, tflite: reflect v3.0.0 changes

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 15 Feb 2021 00:15:08 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (2.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tflite: add edgetpu_lib argument to load_tflite()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Wed, 27 Jan 2021 11:09:02 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (2.0.3) unstable; urgency=medium

common: allow media_path to be video stream id
tflite: fix problem of not finding load_delegate()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 07 Jan 2021 21:34:35 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (2.0.2) ustable; urgency=medium

tf: set converter.experimental_new_converter to False
tf: set converter.inference_in/output_type to tf.uint8
tflite: fix problem of not finding load_delegate()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Sun, 20 Dec 2020 13:06:08 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (2.0.1) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: set memory growth to True when using GPU
model: head: correct line ending
tf: add **kwargs parameter to compile() and fit()
tf: fix strange ground truth values issue

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Sat, 05 Dec 2020 18:26:08 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (2.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf:dataset: add data format check
common: base_class: change input_size from integer to (width, height)
common: base_class: set default arguments for candidates_to_pred_bboxes
tf: dataset: modify variable initialization according to input_size type change
common: predict: reflect input_size type change
common: media: reflect input_size type change to resize_image
tf:dataset: reflect input_size type change to data augmentation
common: base_class: reflect predict.fit_pred_bboxes_to_original change
common: predict: fix problem that occurred because image size change was not considered
tf: reflect input_size type change
model: head: reflect input_size type change
tf: train: reflect input_size type change
common: base_class: change strides to immutable constant
common: base_class: add cap.release() to release resources
tflite: reflect input_size type change
tf: optimize predict() using @tf.function
common: predict: fix problem caused by incorrect iou calculation

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Tue, 27 Oct 2020 00:11:59 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (1.2.1) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: set num_sample to the number of dataset, if not specified
tf: modify to bring images in order on post-training
common: base_class: add iou/score_threshold argument
tf: add images_optional argument in save_dataset_for_mAP()
common: base_class: modify to call cv2.namedWindow once
common: media: modify to create colors once
tf: dataset: update docs

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Fri, 04 Sep 2020 20:21:56 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (1.2.0) unstable; urgency=medium

model: remove tpu argument
tf: reflect model changes
tflite: remove tpu_hair
tf, tflite: move inference into BaseClass
model: yolov4: remove unused import
pylint: update .pylintrc
common: base_class: modify inference() to be able to use cam
common: base_class: add fps display to screen

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Tue, 11 Aug 2020 21:43:29 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (1.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium

model: add kernel_regularizer argument
tf: remove subdivision
tf: dataset: fix issue where coordinates become 0 due to repeated division
tf: dataset: modify to shuffle when augmentation
tf: train: modify order of declaration
tf: train: give xiou_loss to more weight
tf: train: use keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy to avoid nan problem
tf: train: add verbose argument
tf: dataset: change converted_coco format
tf: add image_path_prefix argument to load_dataset()
tf: add loss_verbose argument to compile()
tf: reflect dataset format change to save_dataset_for_mAP()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 10 Aug 2020 19:09:15 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (1.0.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: dataset: add label smooting argument
tf: add label_smooting argument to load_dataset()
tf: train: set truth_conf threshold to 0.5 because of label smoothing

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Wed, 05 Aug 2020 13:05:02 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.24.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: set default num of sample for mAP to 1000
tf: fix error handling when image is empty

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Tue, 04 Aug 2020 12:40:25 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.23.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: dataset: add error handling when bboxes are empty
common: media: replace space of class name to underbar
tf: implement save_dataset_for_mAP()
tf: dataset: add error handling when image is empty

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 03 Aug 2020 20:49:51 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.22.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: add TFLITE_BUILTINS, SELECT_TF_OPS to default supported_ops
tf: dataset: modify to check if image exists when creating a dataset
tf: dataset: remove preprocess_dataset
tf: dataset: add cut_out
tf: dataset: add _next_random_augmentation_data()
tf: dataset: add mix_up
tf: dataset: implement mosaic

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Sun, 02 Aug 2020 17:22:43 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.21.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: train: set epsilon used for division to 1e-8
tf: train: add giou and iou to iou_type
tf: train: fix loss function of bbox_probabilities

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 30 Jul 2020 05:18:12 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.20.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: train: modify epsilon to 1e-9
tf: train: remove weight for conf_noobj_loss
tf: add arguments to fit()
tf: dataset: fix problem of not finding images
tf: add SaveWeightsCallback

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Wed, 29 Jul 2020 05:06:25 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.19.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: weights: modify 'set' to 'load'
tf: weights: implement *_save_weights
tf: add save_weights()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Fri, 24 Jul 2020 06:22:14 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.18.0) unstable; urgency=medium

yolov4: clarify batch number
tf: remove by_name in load_weights
tf: dataset: simplify code
tf: dataset: fix problem of making a batch with same image

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 23 Jul 2020 20:30:23 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.17.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: dataset: fix index range for Tiny
tf: remove expect_partial() in load_weights()
tflite: fix issue with the number of outputs by model
model: add tpu argument in Tiny
tflite: add tpu argument
utility: rename to common
common: implement BaseClass
tflite: add tensorflow.lite
model: head: change dimension from 4D to 3D in Tiny
tflite: add tpu_hair
common: media: add type cast in resize_image
tf: add num_calibration_steps argument in save_as_tflite
common: base_class: move strides property from tf
tf: set by_name to True in load_weights

Thanks to @RealHandy
-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 23 Jul 2020 15:43:08 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.16.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: add tiny argument to init and remove from others

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Wed, 15 Jul 2020 13:21:12 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.15.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: add quantization and data_set args to save_as_tflite
utility: media: add string length check
model: add activation args
model: head: remove for loop
model: backbone: implement CSPDarknet53Tiny
model: neck: implement PANetTiny
model: head: implement YOLOv3HeadTiny
model: yolov4: implement YOLOv4Tiny
tf: weights: implement tiny funcs
tf: reflect YOLOv4Tiny

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Wed, 15 Jul 2020 03:43:03 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.14.0) unstable; urgency=medium

github: add python publish action
model: neck: use bilinear in UpSampling2D
test: update script
tflite: refactor YOLOv4
utility: predict: fix according to pylint warning
pylint: update .pylintrc
model: head: use tf.constant to avoid broadcasting
github: add python lint action

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Tue, 14 Jul 2020 02:14:12 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.13.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: remove tensorboard callback
tf: modify compile() and fit() to be similar to model
yolov4: rename 'data' to 'test'
utility: media: update docs and variable name
utility: predict: remove batch_size
utility: media: rename funcs
tf: add utility funcs to YOLOv4 member funcs
test: add test script

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 13 Jul 2020 13:36:32 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.12.0) unstable; urgency=medium

utility: train: refactor bbox_*iou and remove duplicate funcs
yolov4: rename parameters
yolov4: remove utils
tf: add FileNotFoundError in YOLOv4.inference()
utility: predict: add dimension for batch size
pylint: update .pylintrc
tf: add YOLOv4.save_as_tflite()
model: clean up
utility: weights: move to tf.weights
utility: train: move to tf.train
model: neck: implement PANet
mdel: head: implement YOLOv3Head
model: yolov4: Apply neck and head class
yolov4: reflect model changes
tf: dataset: add batch_size
tf: train: implement YOLOv4Loss
utility: media: modify rectangle thickness
model: common: use softplus instead of ln(1+exp(x))
tf: train: use epsilon instead of tf.math.divide_no_nan
tf: refactor YOLOv4.fit() and .compile()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Sun, 12 Jul 2020 03:50:50 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.11.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: remove utils.draw_bbox in predict()
yolov4: rename files and functions and change order
utility: utils: remove get_anchors()
utility: media: impelment resize(), draw_bbox()
utility: utils: implement DIoU_NMS
utility: utils: fix dimensional calculation problems
utility: refactor dataset
tf: remove train
utility: train: implement make_compiled_loss()
utility: media: fix bug that could not resize some images
utility: train: remove problem of division by zero

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 29 Jun 2020 21:05:39 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.10.0) unstable; urgency=medium

core: yolov4: refactor decode()
core: utils: remove sigmoid in postprocess_bbboxe()
tf: apply YOLOv4 changes to make_model()
core: yolov4: move decode_train() to tf.YOLOv4.train()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 25 Jun 2020 00:48:44 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.9.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: modify hyperparameters as properties
tf: add weights_type argument to load_weights()
core: utils: implement _np_fromfile()
core: utils: implement a way to partially load weights
tf: train: move learning_rate_* to argument
core: move YOLOConv2D to common
core: common: remove bn argument of YOLOConv2D
core: utils: refactor yolo_conv2d_set_weights
core: yolov4: refactor YOLOv4
core: utils: refactor load_weights
tf: refactor make_model
yolov4: change YoloV4 to YOLOv4

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Wed, 24 Jun 2020 02:58:27 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.8.0) unstable; urgency=medium

core: use tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D
core: refactor Mish
core: common: remove residual_block
core: remove sequential in _ResBlock
core: backbone: Set LeakyReLU's alpha to 0.1

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Tue, 23 Jun 2020 02:21:01 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.7.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: fix to proceed to the next step even if an error occurs
tf: modify video_interval_ms to cv_waitKey_delay
core: backbone: refactor CSPDarknet53
core: utils: implement csp_darknet53_set_weights()

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 22 Jun 2020 23:01:32 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.6.0) unstable; urgency=medium

tf: set first_step_epochs according to the weight usage
tf: fix syntax error

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Fri, 19 Jun 2020 17:09:57 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.5.0) unstable; urgency=medium

core: dataset: add yolo type
tf: add dataset_type parameter to YoloV4.train
tf: add epochs parameter to train
tf: add save_interval parameter to train

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Fri, 19 Jun 2020 14:30:50 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.4.0) unstable; urgency=medium

core: dataset: remove cfg module
tf: implement YoloV4.train

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Thu, 11 Jun 2020 17:45:44 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.3.0) unstable; urgency=medium

core: utils: use numpy instead of tensorflow
pypi: remove install_requires and change to manual installation
yolov4: add video_interval_ms

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 08 Jun 2020 23:59:41 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.2.0) unstable; urgency=medium

pylint: create .pylintrc and run black
core: remove config.py
yolov4: change tfyolov4 to yolov4
yolov4: remove detect**.py and implement YoloV4.inference

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Mon, 08 Jun 2020 02:20:49 +0900
tensorflow-yolov4 (0.1.0) unstable; urgency=medium

yolov4: fork from 'hunglc007/tensorflow-yolov4-tflite'

-- Hyeonki Hong hhk7734@gmail.com Fri, 05 Jun 2020 20:17:45 +0900


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