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YouMP3 3.1.1
The tool for downloading music from YouTube
The program is an abstraction and simplification layer of yt-dlp, along with some uses of ffmpeg
I initially created this project because I was dissatisfied with traditional music downloaders that did not add metadata to the songs, did not have a clipping function, or were too complex instead of having a simple command line interface
The tool automatically adds metadata to downloaded songs using information provided by the platform from which the songs are being downloaded
Origin of metadata
Channel name
Video name
Publication date
Video thumbnail
Playlist name
Artist Album
Playlist creator name
Track Number
total number of videos in the playlist and the index of each video
Provided by the user on the command line
Some metadata is not added for a number of reasons, such as lack of relevance, platform incompatibility, among other reasons
Among the metadata not added, we have the lyric metadata, which could be added using the video subtitles as the source, but it was not because YouTube provides several different subtitle formats for each video, and each format would require different data processing, which would make the program much more complex than planned
Not all mp3 players are fully compatible with ID3 model metadata, which may result in some metadata not being read or the cover image not being displayed
The program was designed to be used on YouTube, it can be used on other platforms, but with the risk of malfunction or partial functioning
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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