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youtyper 0.1.0
youtyper is a customizable command-line touch-typing tutor.
You can easily add your customized lesson with text, even Python function.
There're a lot of touch-typing tutor apps.
However, most of the apps doesn't come with the flexibility to maximize my learning rate.
First, the flexibility of lessons.
For example, I'm pretty bad at distinguish "c" and "d", which lies vertically on keyboards, but most of apps provides rowwise lessons.
I'm also not good at typing "y", "u", and "i", but most of apps also includes "o" and "p" in the lessons for these keys.
Some apps provide lessons with custom texts, but which cannot be dynamically generated.
And, I want to create lessons with Python.
Second, the flexibility of analytics.
I'm a pretty big fun of, because of its beauty and detailed statistics. I may have spent more time watching the graphs than practicing. Though I can't create beautiful interfaces like them, I can provide more detailed statistics and even allow users to analyze their typing.
"y","o","u","t","p","e",and "r" are all on the upper row of the keyboard
These keys are why I created this app.
This name may also indicates customizability of this app.
pip install youtyper
youtyper: will start a standard lesson with standard analytics enabled.
Customize your lessons
Use --lesson_type to choose your lesson.
Load text to create lessons
youtyper --lesson_type text --text_path path-to-your-lesson-text
Other options available:
--disable_shuffle: Disable shuffling of lessons (default: false)
--num_lessons 10: lessons to take (default: None, repeat until exit)
--len_lessons 50: Number of maximum characters in a lesson (default: 100)
Load python script to enable custom lesson
youtyper --lesson_type python --generator_path path-to-your-generator --generator_name YourLessonGeneratorClassName
Use the specified LessonGenerator class to generate lessons. Example generators are available under examples.
Load built-in lessons (default)
youtyper --lesson_type built-in --lesson_name right_hand_home_row
Use the built-in lessons. See lessons/ for available lessons. --lesson_name: lesson name of default lessons (default: "default_lesson")
Customize your analyzer
Use predefined analyzer
youtyper ... --analyzer cpm error_rate ...
cpm: Character Per Minute (default: on)
error_rate: The ratio of wrong key push (default: on)
Other options available:
--analyzer wpm: [To be implemented] Show words per minute
--ignore_consecutive_errors: [To be implemented] Ignore the consecutive error by the same character (deafult: false)
Use custome analyzer
youtyper ... --analyzer_path path-to-your-analyzer-file --analyzer_name YourStatisticsClassName
Use the specified Analyzer class to analyze lesson logs.Example analyzer are available under examples.
Build your own custom class
Custom Lesson
You must provide a custom LessonGenerator to create your custom lessons.
LessonGenarator must be a iterator yields Lesson
LessonGenarator must implement __len__ method
Lesson is basically text to type and metadata.
Unknown command line options are passed to the LessonGenarator class as list.
Custom Analyzer
You must provide a custom Analyzer to use your custom analytics.
Analyzer must generate a printable text to show user and a dictionary of analytics summary to save.
Analyzer must implement analyze method which returns (Dict, str)
Unknown command line options are passed to the LessonGenarator class as list.
You can specify multiple Analyzer and all the unknown options are passed to all Analyzer.
Check your option is not shared by other analyzers unintentionally.
Lesson Log
For further analytics, youtyper saves every lesson log to the .youtyper directory under the user's homedir.
A lesson log is a json file named as yyyymmdd_hhmmss_[lesson_name]_[lesson_id].json.
The structure is as follows:
"lesson_name": "right_hand_home_row",
"lesson_id": "1",
"command-line-options": {"lesson_type": "built-in", "lesson_name":"right_hand_home_row"},
"text": "klj ;l;l;jjk ;ljl; kl;jkl jjlk ljk l; kl ;j",
{"timestamp": "2020/07/02 18:00:03", "key": "k", "target":"l"},
"cpm": {"overall": 100.0,"k": 70.6, "l": 116.4,"...": "..."},
"error_rate": {"overall": 0.043, "k": 0.067,"l": 0.032,"...": "..."},
"...": "..."
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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