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zego uikit prebuilt live streaming
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Live Streaming Kit #
Live Streaming Kit is a feature-rich livestream component, which enables you to build custom live streaming into your apps with only a few lines of code.
And you can also customize various live streaming features by configuring parameters.
When do you need the Live Streaming Kit #
Build apps faster and easier
When you want to prototype live streaming ASAP
Consider speed or efficiency as the first priority
Customize UI as needed
When you want to customize the UI based on your actual business needs
Don't want to waste time developing basic features
Features #
Ready-to-use live streaming
Co-hosting (make co-host & apply co-host)
Voice changing & Reverb
Basic face beautification
Screen sharing
Customizable UI style
Real-time interactive text chat
Real-time audience capacity display
Device management
Extendable menu bar
Documentation #
Quick start
Quick start (with cohosting)
Tutorial navigator
Enhance the livestream
PK battles
Screen sharing
Advanced beauty effects
Minimize livestream window
Send virtual gifts
Integrate Minigame
Use Tokens for authentication
Live list
Customize the livestream
Set avatar for users
Hide components
Customize the preview page
Set a leave confirmation dialog
Customize the background
Add custom UI components
Customize the text message UI
Customize the member list view
Modify User Interface text
Customize the menu bar
Implement an audio-only live
Forcefully end a livestream room
Turn off camera during co-hosting
Set video resolution
Limit the maximum number of co-hosts
Host Avatar
Calculate live duration
Customize The CoHosting
Swipe Live Streaming
Customize the layout
Migration Guides #
Migrating from 3.7.+ to 3.8.0.
Migrating from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2.
Migrating from 2.x to 3.0.
More #
Sample Code
Please visit our official website for more details.
Previews #
live streaming with cohosting
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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