Zeitgitterd 1.2.0 | Coderz Product

zeitgitterd 1.2.0

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zeitgitterd 1.2.0

zeitgitter — Independent git Timestamper
Timestamping: Why?
Being able to provide evidence that you had some piece of information at a
given time and it has not changed since are important in many aspects of
personal, academic, or corporate life.
It can help provide evidence

that you had some idea already at a given time,
that you already had a piece of code, or
that you knew about a document at a given time.

Timestamping does not assure authorship of the idea, code, or document. It
only provides evidence to the existence at a given point in time. Depending
on the context, authorship might be implied, at least weakly.
zeitgitter for Timestamping
zeitgitter consists of two components:

A timestamping client, which can add a timestamp as a digital signature to
an existing git repository. Existing git mechanisms can then be used
to distribute these timestamps (stored in commits or tags) or keep them
A timestamping server, which supports timestamping git repositories and
stores its history of commits timestamped in a git repository as well.
Anybody can operate such a timestamping server, but using an independent
timestamper provides strongest evidence, as collusion is less likely.

Publication of the timestamps history; as well as
getting cross-timestamps of other independent timestampers on your
timestamp history
both provide mechanisms to assure that timestamping has not been done
retroactively ("backstamping").

The timestamping client is called git timestamp and allows to issue
timestamped, signed tags or commits.
To simplify deployment, we provide a free timestamping server at
https://gitta.zeitgitter.ch. It is able to provide several
million timestamps per day. However, if you or your organization plan to issue
more than a hundred timestamps per day, please consider installing and using
your own timestamping server and have it being cross-timestamped with other
Setting up your own timestamping server
Having your own timestamping server provides several benefits:

The number of timestamps you request, their commit ID, as well as
the times at which they are stamped, remain you business alone.
You can request as many timestamps as you like.
If you like, you can provide a service to the community as well,
by timestamping other servers in turn. This strengthens the
overall trust of these timestamps.

There are currently two options for installation:

Running a Zeitgitter timestamper in Docker (recommended; only requires setting four variables)
Traditional install on a Linux server (more work)

General Documentation

Timestamping: Why and how?
Protocol description
Discussion of the use of (weak) cryptography

Server Documentation

Docker server (recommended)
Native server (deprecated)
How the server works
The server's state machine


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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