Zennin 1.1.0 | Coderz Product

Zennin 1.1.0

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Zennin 1.1.0

Zennin is a simple Python program that prints random quotes on the terminal.
It adds a touch of inspiration or amusement to your daily console experience.
The program is designed to be integrated into your bashrc, zshrc or preferred
shell configuration file. By doing so, every time you open a new terminal
session, you'll be greeted with a random quote of your choice. It's similar to
how many people use neofetch for
displaying system information everytime a new terminal is opened.
Quote Book
The collection of quotes used by zennin is stored in a file known as the
Quote Book. By default, the program looks for the quote book at
$HOME/.config/zennin/quotebook.txt. If this file doesn't exist, zennin
falls back to using a default quote book located at
Feel free to use the default quote book as a reference to create your own
personalized collection. The syntax of the quote book is similar to
Python docstrings, with three single quotes (''') used as delimiters for the
beginning and the end of each quote.
This is a Quote

This is another Quote

You can have empty lines inside the quote

You have the freedom to populate the quote book with your own favorite quotes.
Choose the quotes that resonate with you, whether they are inspirational, funny,
or thought-provoking. Additionally, you can customize the justification style in
which the quotes are printed in the terminal. Pick from left, right, or center
justification based on your preference.
Arch linux
Install from AUR
From a clone
Zennin requires build and installer python modules to install.
To check if these modules are installed run this lines in a terminal.
python -c "import build" 2>/dev/null && \
echo "python-build is installed" || \
echo "python-build is NOT installed";
python -c "import installer" 2>/dev/null && \
echo "python-installer is installed" || \
echo "python-installer is NOT installed"

If this modules are not present, install them using pip or your system package
After doing this follow this instructions:

Clone this repository
Change to the created directory
Run sudo make install

Or copy this lines and run them in a terminal
git clone https://github.com/Erymer/zennin
cd zennin
sudo make install

From pip
pip install zennin

Using Zennin
To use it as intended just include one of the following lines in the
configuration file of your shell (bashrc, zshrc, etc).
zennin # Text in the center of the terminal
zennin --justify right # Text to the far right
zennin --justify left # Text to the far left

And thas it! Now everytime you open a new terminal you will be greeted with a
To Do

More text color options.
Create an option to pick a different quote delimitator.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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