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zeroconf2 0.19.2
python-zeroconf (Fork of last Python 2.x supported version)===============For original: * PyPI page* GitHub project* Bugfix: allow underscores in instance name prefix (RFC 6763 - 4.1.1)0.19.1------* Allowed installation with netifaces >= 0.10.6 (a bug that was concerning us got fixed)0.19.0------* Technically backwards incompatible - restricted netifaces dependency version to work around a bug, see for details0.18.0------* Dropped Python 2.6 support* Improved error handling inside code executed when Zeroconf object is being closed0.17.7------* Better Handling of DNS Incoming Packets parsing exceptions* Many exceptions will now log a warning the first time they are seen* Catch and log sendto() errors* Fix/Implement duplicate name change* Fix overly strict name validation introduced in 0.17.6* Greatly improve handling of oversized packets including: - Implement name compression per RFC1035 - Limit size of generated packets to 9000 bytes as per RFC6762 - Better handle over sized incoming packets* Increased test coverage to 95%0.17.6------* Many improvements to address race conditions and exceptions during ZC() startup and shutdown, thanks to: morpav, veawor, justingiorgi, herczy, stephenrauch* Added more test coverage: strahlex, stephenrauch* Stephen Rauch contributed: - Speed up browser startup - Add ZeroconfServiceTypes() query class to discover all advertised service types - Add full validation for service names, types and subtypes - Fix for subtype browsing - Fix DNSHInfo support0.17.5------* Fixed OpenBSD compatibility, thanks to Alessio Sergi* Fixed race condition on ServiceBrowser startup, thanks to gbiddison* Fixed installation on some Python 3 systems, thanks to Per Sandström* Fixed "size change during iteration" bug on Python 3, thanks to gbiddison0.17.4------* Fixed support for Linux kernel versions < 3.9 (thanks to Giovanni Harting and Luckydonald, GitHub pull request #26)0.17.3------* Fixed DNSText repr on Python 3 (it'd crash when the text was longer than 10 bytes), thanks to Paulus Schoutsen for the patch, GitHub pull request #240.17.2------* Fixed installation on Python 3.4.3+ (was failing because of enum34 dependency which fails to install on 3.4.3+, changed to depend on enum-compat instead; thanks to Michael Brennan for the original patch, GitHub pull request #22)0.17.1------* Fixed EADDRNOTAVAIL when attempting to use dummy network interfaces on Windows, thanks to daid0.17.0------* Added some Python dependencies so it's not zero-dependencies anymore* Improved exception handling (it'll be quieter now)* Messages are listened to and sent using all available network interfaces by default (configurable); thanks to Marcus Müller* Started using logging more freely* Fixed a bug with binary strings as property values being converted to False (; thanks to Dr. Seuss* Added new ``ServiceBrowser`` event handler interface (see the examples)* PyPy3 now officially supported* Fixed ServiceInfo repr on Python 3, thanks to Yordan Miladinov0.16.0------* Set up Python logging and started using it* Cleaned up code style (includes migrating from camel case to snake case)0.15.1------* Fixed handling closed socket (GitHub #4)0.15----* Forked by Jakub Stasiak* Made Python 3 compatible* Added setup script, made installable by pip and uploaded to PyPI* Set up Travis build* Reformatted the code and moved files around* Stopped catching BaseException in several places, that could hide errors* Marked threads as daemonic, they won't keep application alive now0.14----* Fix for SOL_IP undefined on some systems - thanks Mike Erdely.* Cleaned up examples.* Lowercased module name.0.13----* Various minor changes; see git for details.* No longer compatible with Python 2.2. Only tested with 2.5-2.7.* Fork by William McBrine.0.12----* allow selection of binding interface* typo fix - Thanks A. M. Kuchlingi* removed all use of word 'Rendezvous' - this is an API change0.11----* correction to comments for addListener method* support for new record types seen from OS X - IPv6 address - hostinfo* ignore unknown DNS record types* fixes to name decoding* works alongside other processes using port 5353 (e.g. on Mac OS X)* tested against Mac OS X 10.3.2's mDNSResponder* corrections to removal of list entries for service browser0.10----* Jonathon Paisley contributed these corrections: - always multicast replies, even when query is unicast - correct a pointer encoding problem - can now write records in any order - traceback shown on failure - better TXT record parsing - server is now separate from name - can cancel a service browser* modified some unit tests to accommodate these changes0.09----* remove all records on service unregistration* fix DOS security problem with readName0.08----* changed licensing to LGPL0.07----* faster shutdown on engine* pointer encoding of outgoing names* ServiceBrowser now works* new unit tests0.06----* small improvements with unit tests* added defined exception types* new style objects* fixed hostname/interface problem* fixed socket timeout problem* fixed add_service_listener() typo bug* using select() for socket reads* tested on Debian unstable with Python* ensure case insensitivty on domain names* support for unicast DNS queries0.04----* added some unit tests* added __ne__ adjuncts where required* ensure names end in '.local.'* timeout on receiving socket for clean shutdownLicense=======LGPL, see COPYING file for details.
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