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zeroconfpy2compat 0.19.17
This is a fork of pyzeroconf, Multicast DNS Service Discovery for Python,
originally by Paul Scott-Murphy (,
modified by William McBrine (,
and then further modified (off the 0.19.1 tag, the last to support Py2.7)
by Jamie Alexandre (
Compatible with:
Compared to some other Zeroconf/Bonjour/Avahi Python packages, python-zeroconf:
isn’t tied to Bonjour or Avahi
doesn’t use D-Bus
doesn’t force you to use particular event loop or Twisted
is pip-installable
Python compatibility
CPython 2.7, 3.3+
PyPy 2.2+ (possibly 1.9-2.1 as well)
PyPy3 2.4+
This project’s versions follow the following pattern: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.
MAJOR version has been 0 so far
MINOR version is incremented on backward incompatible changes
PATCH version is incremented on backward compatible changes
There are some people using this package. I don’t actively use it and as such
any help I can offer with regard to any issues is very limited.
How to get python-zeroconf-py2compat?
PyPI page
GitHub project
The easiest way to install python-zeroconf-py2compat is using pip:
pip install zeroconf-py2compat
How do I use it?
Here’s an example of browsing for a service:
from six.moves import input
from zeroconf import ServiceBrowser, Zeroconf
class MyListener(object):
def remove_service(self, zeroconf, type, name):
print("Service %s removed" % (name,))
def add_service(self, zeroconf, type, name):
info = zeroconf.get_service_info(type, name)
print("Service %s added, service info: %s" % (name, info))
zeroconf = Zeroconf()
listener = MyListener()
browser = ServiceBrowser(zeroconf, "_http._tcp.local.", listener)
input("Press enter to exit...\n\n")
Discovery and service registration use all available network interfaces by default.
If you want to customize that you need to specify interfaces argument when
constructing Zeroconf object (see the code for details).
If you don’t know the name of the service you need to browse for, try:
from zeroconf import ZeroconfServiceTypes
See examples directory for more.
Fix issue preventing TXT record updates from ServiceBrowser
Track all requested broadcast interfaces in addition to those successfully attached
Exclude addresses starting with “169.254” from the list returned by get_all_addresses()
Converts some usage of assert that should likely persist if python -O is used
Breaks out interface attachment from Zeroconf.__init__ into its own method _add_interfaces
Adds corresponding behavior for removing interfaces, along the lines of how _add_interfaces functions but in reverse
Exposes new public method Zeroconf.update_interfaces which triggers add or removal of interfaces
Prevents stack trace reporting of errors that occur because the network is unreachable, errno.ENETUNREACH
Updates Zeroconf.send to accept an interface on which filter the interfaces it sends the messages on,
such that adding and removing interfaces can attempt to send add/remove messages when the interface is removed
Reduce (and make configurable) the _GLOBAL_DONE threading wait time to improve discovery.
Turn _GLOBAL_DONE into a threading Event to allow for better interruptability at close.
Handle exceptions in interface enumeration and just return an empty list.
Reverted from ifaddr back to ifcfg.
Switched from ifcfg to ifaddr for address enumeration.
Add support for Android, via pyjnius.
Vendored enum compat.
Fix to, so as to actually include!
0.19.2 (first release in learningequality/python-zeroconf-py2compat)
Replace C-based netifaces with pure-Python ifcfg for portability
Allow the DNS A record address to be determined by outgoing interface IP
Refresh ServiceBrowser entries already when ‘stale’ (backport from 0.20.0)
Add new records first in cache entry instead of last (backport from 0.20.0)
Correct broken __eq__ in child classes to DNSRecord (backport from 0.20.0)
Fix TTL handling for published service, and use RFC6762 (backport from 0.21.0)
Fix UnboundLocalError for count after loop (backport from 0.21.0)
Fix UTF-8 multibyte name compression (backport from 0.21.0)
Fix a logging call (backport from 0.21.0)
Fix service removal packets not being sent on shutdown (backport from 0.22.0)
MyListener callback on service TXT record changes (backport from 0.23.0)
Allowed installation with netifaces >= 0.10.6 (a bug that was concerning us
got fixed)
Technically backwards incompatible - restricted netifaces dependency version to
work around a bug, see for
Dropped Python 2.6 support
Improved error handling inside code executed when Zeroconf object is being closed
Better Handling of DNS Incoming Packets parsing exceptions
Many exceptions will now log a warning the first time they are seen
Catch and log sendto() errors
Fix/Implement duplicate name change
Fix overly strict name validation introduced in 0.17.6
Greatly improve handling of oversized packets including:
Implement name compression per RFC1035
Limit size of generated packets to 9000 bytes as per RFC6762
Better handle over sized incoming packets
Increased test coverage to 95%
Many improvements to address race conditions and exceptions during ZC()
startup and shutdown, thanks to: morpav, veawor, justingiorgi, herczy,
Added more test coverage: strahlex, stephenrauch
Stephen Rauch contributed:
Speed up browser startup
Add ZeroconfServiceTypes() query class to discover all advertised service types
Add full validation for service names, types and subtypes
Fix for subtype browsing
Fix DNSHInfo support
Fixed OpenBSD compatibility, thanks to Alessio Sergi
Fixed race condition on ServiceBrowser startup, thanks to gbiddison
Fixed installation on some Python 3 systems, thanks to Per Sandström
Fixed “size change during iteration” bug on Python 3, thanks to gbiddison
Fixed support for Linux kernel versions < 3.9 (thanks to Giovanni Harting
and Luckydonald, GitHub pull request #26)
Fixed DNSText repr on Python 3 (it’d crash when the text was longer than
10 bytes), thanks to Paulus Schoutsen for the patch, GitHub pull request #24
Fixed installation on Python 3.4.3+ (was failing because of enum34 dependency
which fails to install on 3.4.3+, changed to depend on enum-compat instead;
thanks to Michael Brennan for the original patch, GitHub pull request #22)
Fixed EADDRNOTAVAIL when attempting to use dummy network interfaces on Windows,
thanks to daid
Added some Python dependencies so it’s not zero-dependencies anymore
Improved exception handling (it’ll be quieter now)
Messages are listened to and sent using all available network interfaces
by default (configurable); thanks to Marcus Müller
Started using logging more freely
Fixed a bug with binary strings as property values being converted to False
(; thanks to Dr. Seuss
Added new ServiceBrowser event handler interface (see the examples)
PyPy3 now officially supported
Fixed ServiceInfo repr on Python 3, thanks to Yordan Miladinov
Set up Python logging and started using it
Cleaned up code style (includes migrating from camel case to snake case)
Fixed handling closed socket (GitHub #4)
Forked by Jakub Stasiak
Made Python 3 compatible
Added setup script, made installable by pip and uploaded to PyPI
Set up Travis build
Reformatted the code and moved files around
Stopped catching BaseException in several places, that could hide errors
Marked threads as daemonic, they won’t keep application alive now
Fix for SOL_IP undefined on some systems - thanks Mike Erdely.
Cleaned up examples.
Lowercased module name.
Various minor changes; see git for details.
No longer compatible with Python 2.2. Only tested with 2.5-2.7.
Fork by William McBrine.
allow selection of binding interface
typo fix - Thanks A. M. Kuchlingi
removed all use of word ‘Rendezvous’ - this is an API change
correction to comments for addListener method
support for new record types seen from OS X
- IPv6 address
- hostinfo
ignore unknown DNS record types
fixes to name decoding
works alongside other processes using port 5353 (e.g. on Mac OS X)
tested against Mac OS X 10.3.2’s mDNSResponder
corrections to removal of list entries for service browser
Jonathon Paisley contributed these corrections:
always multicast replies, even when query is unicast
correct a pointer encoding problem
can now write records in any order
traceback shown on failure
better TXT record parsing
server is now separate from name
can cancel a service browser
modified some unit tests to accommodate these changes
remove all records on service unregistration
fix DOS security problem with readName
changed licensing to LGPL
faster shutdown on engine
pointer encoding of outgoing names
ServiceBrowser now works
new unit tests
small improvements with unit tests
added defined exception types
new style objects
fixed hostname/interface problem
fixed socket timeout problem
fixed add_service_listener() typo bug
using select() for socket reads
tested on Debian unstable with Python 2.2.2
ensure case insensitivty on domain names
support for unicast DNS queries
added some unit tests
added __ne__ adjuncts where required
ensure names end in ‘.local.’
timeout on receiving socket for clean shutdown
LGPL, see COPYING file for details.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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