Zilian Mssql Django 1.1.4 | Coderz Product

zilian-mssql-django 1.1.4

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zilianmssqldjango 1.1.4

SQL Server backend for Django
Welcome to the Zilian-MSSQL-Django 3rd party backend project!
zilian-mssql-django is a fork of mssql-django. This project provides an enterprise database connectivity option for the Django Web Framework, with support for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.
We'd like to give thanks to the community that made this project possible, with particular recognition of the contributors: OskarPersson, michiya, dlo and the original Google Code django-pyodbc team. Moving forward we encourage partipation in this project from both old and new contributors!
We hope you enjoy using the Zilian-MSSQL-Django 3rd party backend.

Supports Django 3.2 and 4.0
Tested on Microsoft SQL Server 2016, 2017, 2019
Passes most of the tests of the Django test suite
Compatible with
Micosoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server,
SQL Server Native Client,
and FreeTDS ODBC drivers
Supports AzureSQL serveless db reconnection


pyodbc 3.0 or newer


Install pyodbc 3.0 (or newer) and Django

Install zilian-mssql-django:
pip install zilian-mssql-django

Set the ENGINE setting in the settings.py file used by
your Django application or project to 'mssql':
'ENGINE': 'mssql'

Standard Django settings
The following entries in a database-level settings dictionary
in DATABASES control the behavior of the backend:

String. It must be "mssql".

String. Database name. Required.

String. SQL Server instance in "server\instance" format.

String. Server instance port.
An empty string means the default port.

String. Database user name in "user" format.
If not given then MS Integrated Security will be used.

String. Database user password.

String. Access token fetched as a user or service principal which
has access to the database. E.g. when using azure.identity, the
result of DefaultAzureCredential().get_token('https://database.windows.net/.default')
can be passed.

Boolean. Set this to False if you want to disable
Django's transaction management and implement your own.

String. Default is "yes". Can be set to "no" if required.

and the following entries are also available in the TEST dictionary
for any given database-level settings dictionary:

String. The name of database to use when running the test suite.
If the default value (None) is used, the test database will use
the name "test_" + NAME.

String. The collation order to use when creating the test database.
If the default value (None) is used, the test database is assigned
the default collation of the instance of SQL Server.

String. The creation-order dependencies of the database.
See the official Django documentation for more details.

String. The alias of the database that this database should
mirror during testing. Default value is None.
See the official Django documentation for more details.

Dictionary. Current available keys are:

String. ODBC Driver to use ("ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server",
"SQL Server Native Client 11.0", "FreeTDS" etc).
Default is "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server".

String. Sets transaction isolation level
for each database session. Valid values for this entry are
SNAPSHOT, and SERIALIZABLE. Default is None which means
no isolation levei is set to a database session and SQL Server default
will be used.

String. A named DSN can be used instead of HOST.

Boolean. Only relevant if using the FreeTDS ODBC driver under
By default, when using the FreeTDS ODBC driver the value specified in
the HOST setting is used in a SERVERNAME ODBC connection
string component instead of being used in a SERVER component;
this means that this value should be the name of a dataserver
definition present in the freetds.conf FreeTDS configuration file
instead of a hostname or an IP address.
But if this option is present and its value is True, this
special behavior is turned off. Instead, connections to the database
server will be established using HOST and PORT options, without
requiring freetds.conf to be configured.
See https://www.freetds.org/userguide/dsnless.html for more information.

Boolean. If it is set to True, pyodbc's unicode_results feature
is activated and strings returned from pyodbc are always Unicode.
Default value is False.

String. Additional parameters for the ODBC connection. The format is
"param=value;param=value", Azure AD Authentication (Service Principal, Interactive, Msi) can be added to this field.

String. Name of the collation to use when performing text field
lookups against the database. Default is None; this means no
collation specifier is added to your lookup SQL (the default
collation of your database will be used). For Chinese language you
can set it to "Chinese_PRC_CI_AS".

Integer. Sets the timeout in seconds for the database connection process.
Default value is 0 which disables the timeout.

Integer. Sets the times to retry the database connection process.
Default value is 5.

Integer. Sets the back off time in seconds for reries of
the database connection process. Default value is 5.

Integer. Sets the timeout in seconds for the database query.
Default value is 0 which disables the timeout.

setencoding and setdecoding
# Example
"setdecoding": [
{"sqltype": pyodbc.SQL_CHAR, "encoding": 'utf-8'},
{"sqltype": pyodbc.SQL_WCHAR, "encoding": 'utf-8'}],
"setencoding": [
{"encoding": "utf-8"}],

Backend-specific settings
The following project-level settings also control the behavior of the backend:

Boolean. If it is set to False, pyodbc's connection pooling feature
won't be activated.

Here is an example of the database settings:
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'mssql',
'NAME': 'mydb',
'USER': 'user@myserver',
'PASSWORD': 'password',
'HOST': 'myserver.database.windows.net',
'PORT': '',

'driver': 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server',

# set this to False if you want to turn off pyodbc's connection pooling

The following features are currently not fully supported:

Altering a model field from or to AutoField at migration
Django annotate functions have floating point arithmetic problems in some cases
Annotate function with exists
Exists function in order_by
Righthand power and arithmetic with datatimes
Timezones, timedeltas not fully supported
Rename field/model with foreign key constraint
Database level constraints
Math degrees power or radians
Bit-shift operators
Filtered index
Date extract function
Hashing functions

JSONField lookups have limitations, more details here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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