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zx 0.7.0
ZX Spectrum Emulator written in a mix of Python and C++.
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Designed to be suitable for research and development purposes
such as unattended testing of Spectrum software, timing
analysis, etc.
Meant to be easy to customize and re-use via Python interfaces.
Fast and accurate emulation.
Based on the fast and flexible
Z80 emulator.
Development status
General status: working pre-alpha.
Supported machines: 48K only for now.
Display: multi-colour effects,
accurate timings.
Sound: not supported yet.
Tape: TAP and TZX formats supported as well as conversion to WAV.
Snapshots: Z80.
Playback recordings: RZX.
Installation and running
For the latest release:
$ sudo pip3 install zx
Or directly from the repository for current development version:
$ sudo pip3 install git+
Local development setups are also supported:
$ git clone --recursive
$ cd zx
$ python3 develop --prefix ~/.local
$ zx
F1 displays help.
F2 is to save snapshot.
F3 is to load snapshot or tape file.
F6 pauses/resumes tape.
F10 and ESC quit the emulator.
F11 and double click switch between fullscreen and windowed mode.
PAUSE and mouse click pause/resume emulation or RZX playback.
Any Spectrum key stroke resumes emulation and leaves the RZX
playback mode back to the regular emulation mode.
Running snapshots, recordings and tapes
$ zx elven.z80
$ zx exolon.rzx
$ zx
Converting files
Supported formats: .rzx, .scr, .tap, .tzx, .wav,
.z80, .zip.
$ zx jack.tzx jack.wav
$ zx eric.tap eric.z80
Dumping files
$ zx dump rick.z80
OrderedDict([('id', 'z80_snapshot'), ('a', 213), ('f', 66), ...
On the dump command, zx parses the specified file (that can
be of any supported format) in the form of raw Python data.
Reference papers
Screen timings
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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