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zxing widget
ZXing Widget(Dart) #
A Barcode Generator Widget that can be embedded inside flutter. It uses zxing-dart for all platforms.
ZXing Dart
ZXing Widget
ZXing Scanner
Features #
✅ QRCode
✅ PDF417 code
✅ DataMatrix code
✅ AZTec code
✅ OneDemension code
✅ Paint callback
✅ Customize color
Preview #
Getting started #
flutter pub add zxing_widget
Usage #
See /example folder.
Scan from camera
'qrcode data',
errorCorrectionLevel: ErrorCorrectionLevel.H,
size: const Size(200, 200),
copied to clipboard
Additional information #
This package depends on zxing_lib witch is a pure dart port of ZXing.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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