ctmanager A helper capable of managing multiple cancellation tokens with ease. Useful for operations like http requests,...
postor A wrapper around Dart's http package, which supports Manageable Requests Cancellation, Request Policy (Timeout and Retry),...
flutter exprtk platform interface flutter_exprtk_platform_interface # A common platform interface for the flutter_exprtk plugin. This...
flutter exprtk native flutter_exprtk_native # The Windows, Android, iOS and macOS implementation of flutter_exprtk. Usage...
stored Stored # Stored is a Dart library for loading data from remote and local sources.
apklis direct payment checker Apklis Direct Payment Checker ...
apklis dio web api Apklis Dio Web API ...
guerrilla mail api Guerrilla Mail API # This dart package enables you to communicate...
svb easy widget easy_widget # A new Flutter package for easier and simpler usage of widgets
cliar Cliar # Cliar (クリアー) は、コマンドラインオプションを dart のクラスを元に定義できるようにするパッケージです。 Install # pubspec.yamlのdependenciesに cliar を記述します。...
rockvole db replicator rockvole_db_replicator # A database library which provides you with CRUD methods to access...
swipepanel SwipePanel # A new Flutter package for animated swipe panel. Screenshot #
w play w_play # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
wikibase sdk wikibase_sdk # A Dart-JS interop package for the wikibase-sdk JS package in Dart....
flutter exprtk web flutter_exprtk_web # The Web implementation of flutter_exprtk. Usage # Import the...
flutter exprtk flutter_exprtk # ffi wrapper for exprtk math expression parser See https://github.com/ArashPartow/exprtk for details
flutter text format flutter_text_format # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
scidash scidash # A complete scientific library for Dart language.
photo down zoom photo_down_zoom # Slide DownClose / Zoom / DoubleTapZoom / DoubleTapZoomAnimation Start before...
ftl player ftl_player # 基于TXLiteAVSDK_Player 腾讯播放器封装flutter sdk 目前支持直播,sdk只提供核心功能,具体功能需要自定义,example里有一套附带的ui。 左iOS 右安卓 pub地址 https://pub.dev/packages/ftl_player
microfrontends microfrontends # Flutter Application Framework ⚠️ EXPERIMENTAL! DON'T USE IN...
download network images for offline download_network_images_for_offline # A flutter plugin to use Network Images...
flutter easy utils Flutter Easy Utils # This package allows you to setup a powerful Auto...
dotup dart geolocation core dotup_dart_geolocation_core # Small package with common utils. A library for Dart developers.
dotup dart geolocation here maps dotup_dart_geolocation_here_maps # HERE Maps api wrapper. A library for Dart developers.
flutter pravatar flutter_pravatar # Display placeholder profile pictures from pravatar.cc/ for mocked users. Usage #
tinkoff invest tinkoff_invest # Данный проект представляет собой инструментарий на языке Dart...
flutter lints iamchathu flutter_lints_iamchathu # Opinionated lints for Flutter apps, packages, and plugins to encourage good...
umd tools
ipda scanner
flutter appodeal ads flutter_appodeal_ads # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
plus router Easy Router for web application. # This package using Navigator 2.0 system for routing...
cumo transer
f4 A Future with some added sugar. # A set of Future helper functions (mostly) compatible...
flutter plugin tutorial flutter_plugin_tutorial # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
mmoo image gallery saver image_gallery_saver # We use the image_picker...
dotup flutter logger sqflite writer dotup_flutter_logger_sqflite_writer # Take a look at dotup.de or on pub.dev #
uhst UHST # User Hosted Secure Transmission (UHST) for Flutter in Dart
temp cache temp_cache # A package which provides functionality to store objects inside a temporary cache...
flutter r2u flutter_r2u # R2U Augmented Reality SDK for Flutter, currently in beta. Methods #
forestvpn auth api forestvpn_auth_api # ForestVPN defeats content restrictions and censorship to deliver unlimited access to...
dart autogui Dart Autogui # Dart autogui is a wrapper around python autogui module . You...
codename encoder A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
ninja basex basex # Convert data to any base (base32, base64, base58, etc) using an alphabet...
own navbar responsive_navbar # This will help us to create responsive navigation bar. Installing is...
nuke nuke # Super slim, lightweight, practical state management < 250 lines of code. [Not...
flunt dart validation TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
basic settings basic_settings # A basic model for individual settings based on a Hive box and...
observer provider observer-provider #
win gamepad win_gamepad # A Flutter plugin for Windows for receiving input from game controllers which...
stateful bloc Stateful Bloc # Extension...
jd youtobe plugin jd_youtobe_plugin # Main reference: youtube_player_flutter youtube_player_flutter_latest
dart discord rpc ffi dart_discord_rpc Discord Rich Presence for Dart & Flutter apps & games....
dart discord rpc dart_discord_rpc Discord Rich Presence for Flutter & Dart apps & games.
valpi A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import 'package:valpi/valpi.dart';
x image picker x_image_picker # flutter 图片和视频选择器 iOS基于ZLPhotoBrowser Android基于PictureSelector 灵感来源于images_picker...
traindown Traindown # A language to help athletes express their training. Inspired by Markdown. This...
useful utils Useful Tools # Useful tools is a package whos have a large number of...
helium api client Helium API Client Library for Dart # Provides a client for the Helium...
chatroom manager A library for Dart developers. Created from templates made available by Stagehand under a...
native convert native_convert # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is...
schedule badge updates schedule_badge_updates # This plugin allows you to schedule badge updates. NOTE: This...
bl bleconfig plugin bl_bleconfig_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
xdrawer TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
dorra dorra # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
fyc index bar 0.0.1 # fyc_index_bar 新增插件 fyc_index_bar # A...
tencent im sdk platform interface tencent_im_sdk_platform_interface # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #
mbrush convert mbrush_convert # A new Flutter plugin to mbrush file convert Getting Started #
fasekyc flutter FaS eKYC Flutter # A flutter package from FaS eKYC for connecting...
textsample hello # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
escape markup Escape a string for use in HTML or the inverse ...
awesome flutter button awesome_flutter_button # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
velocore velocore # Collection of reusable widgets and utils ScrollKeyboardCloser Hide keyboard on scroll
lyra lyra # Lyra blockchain library for Flutter package project. Link Getting Started #...
smart cloud ui smart_cloud_ui # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
objectify Objectify # Turn any Map into your class object QuickStart # ...
string formate TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
sqliteasy builder Overview # source_gen provides utilities for automated source code generation for Dart:
sqliteasy core Overview # source_gen provides utilities for automated source code generation for Dart:
sqliteasy sqflite sqliteasy_sqflite # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is...
dartx validation dartx_validation - Dart object validation made easy! # Librabry that is inspired by javax.validation
dartx validation generator dartx_validation - Dart object validation made easy! # Librabry that is inspired by...
detodito location picker detodito_location_picker # Location picker using the official google_maps_flutter. I made This plugin...
eyu open sdk flutter eyu_open_sdk_flutter # eyu open sdk for flutter Getting Started #...
learn create alert package TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
livetiles Creates an interesting live tiles effect when tapping its child widget. Getting Started #...
party parrot party_parrot # Animated Party Parrot Widget purely generated by Dart code. About #
b print Introduction # BluetoothPrint is a bluetooth plugin for Flutter, a new mobile SDK to...
blaccount flutter plugin blaccount_flutter_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
flutter bridge new 为什么会开发这个框架 # 在flutter和Native混合开发的过程中我们难免会遇到flutter和Native相互通信的场景,这时我们就会用到flutter提供的 Flutter Platform Channel能力。大部分情况我们使用的都是 MethodChannel,一般我们会这样是用。 flutter中使用methodchannel //声明 methodchannel...
clinic counter This is a Flutter package - CLINIC COUNTER: Respiratory Rate / Pulse Rate....
sponge client dart Sponge client for Dart. # This is the Sponge Remote API client for...
sponge grpc client dart Sponge gRPC client for Dart. # This is the Sponge gRPC API...
barometer plugin n barometer_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
flutter agnes flutter_agnes # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter page bookmark flutter_page_bookmark # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
virtual device Virtual Device # Manage one or many iOS simulators and Android emulators Setup...
analysis options cli generator What will this tool do for me? # 1- Generate analysis_options.yaml file...
flutter ys7 flutter_ys7 # flutter 萤石云直播插件 功能 android
torus direct getkey torus_direct # Torus CustomAuth SDK for Flutter applications. Get started #...