toast macjohson TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
countrycurrency countrycurrency # A simple package to help you with currencies around the globe. Getting...
simpler login simpler_login # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
lwdframework Lightweight Dart Framework is an api restful framework for dart and flutter developers. import 'package:lwdframework/lwd.dart';
js cli JS Arch CLI # Versão descontinuada # O nome js_cli foi alterado para...
flulm auth flulm_auth # The version of the flutter SDK licensed by lemapay is currently only...
warc WARC (web archive file format) package Supported features: # Parses and reads...
pia framework base piaframeworkbase # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
flutter advanced button flutter_advanced_button # An advanced button widget, that can be fully customized with size,...
trackierfluttersdk flutter sdk # Table of Content # Integration # Add Trackier...
gm generate A simple command-line application.
unifi unifi # Unifi Controller API for Dart Installation # Usage # import...
flutter des plugin des_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
builders flutter elements TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
custom route transition sloot Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transición de rutas....
mno server mno_server_dart # Contains the server functions to serve publication resources.
mno opds mno_opds # This is an unofficial port of Readium 2 OPDS parsers: Kotlin, Swift...
flutter package demo mq flutter_package_demo # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
multi image tracker Multi Image Tracker # A flutter package...
robotremoteserver dart robotremoteserver_dart # A dart module providing the robot framework remote library interface. Usage...
pip services3 expressions Tokenizers, parsers and expression calculators in Dart # This module is a part...
siberia Useful extensions functions to dart language. Getting started # Usage #...
and game And Game # A dart package to append either & or and at the...
custom route transition test Custom route transitions # Este paquete permite realizar transiciones entre paginas de...
play game service play_game_service # A Google Play Games Services plugin for flutter Getting Started...
findx FindX # FindX is a Flutter state manager inspired in the controllers and the widget...
sumann barometer plugin sumann_barometer_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
input drop Features # Compatible with List. Customizable size set items name with parameter
flutter base 200lab flutter_base # 200lab flutter base code Getting Started # This project...
crypton flutter modules crypton_flutter_modules # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
jd youtobe api plugin jd_youtobe_api_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This...
flutter taobao page taobao_page # A flutter package 淘宝个人数据抓取. flutter_taobao_page是一个通过Webview来抓取淘宝数据的Flutter插件。 特性 #
flutter guide package flutter_guide_package # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
split words split_words # Split a sentence (String) to words (List Install # pubspec.yaml...
json transform model json_transform_model # 0.0.9 # json 转model # 只用一行命令,直接将Json文件转为Dart model类。 flutter...
egoi flutter This package integrates some functionality with the E-goi marketing automation tool Features #...
okmock OkMock # Dio interceptor for mocking HTTP request in Flutter Prerequisite #
ncz flutter video flutter_video # A new Flutter Video Plugin. Getting Started # This...
flutter image saver android flutter_image_saver # The Android implementation of flutter_image_saver.
cizer Cizer # Help you to be responsive # Cizer is Flutter package...
custom markdown custom_markdown # welcome to my page! example my blog Installation #...
mmoo agora rtm AgoraRtm # This Flutter plugin is a wapper for Agora RTM SDK....
widget package widget_package # A widget collection package. Getting Started # This project is...
modern form stepper A flutter stepper widget with customizations #
fcoregen fcoregen # Fcore Gen Project Use # Feature Copyright # add new...
inherited store inherited_store # An inherited widget that holds data and rebuilds the widgets whom depend...
sql build database sql_build_database # A new Flutter package to create a database structure simply and...
agora rtm nic flutter_agora_rtm_1_4_1 # agora flutter plugin with sdk 1.4.1
test packagess TODO: for education perpose only. Features # TODO: List what your package can...
proba sdk flutter proba_sdk_flutter # Mobile framework for Proba platform. Installation # ...
stateful nav stateful_nav # Flutter package for handling persisting navigators. Getting Started # This...
contextualized contextualized # Context is a HashMap with...
pip services3 messaging Asynchronous Messaging for Dart # This module is a part of the Pip.Services...
stream variable stream_variable # A simple statemanagement package Usage # To use this plugin,...
published Motivation # Published was inspired by Published property wrapper from Swift. There are approaches...
published gen
umd documenter
dart dashboard Softcorp Dashboard Dart Proto Package # Contains protofiles for the Softcorp Dashboard project.
zooper flutter logging This library provides a wrapper for loggers. Some examples are included. Note: This...
nueli auth nueli_auth # Nueli Auth Getting Started # This project is a starting...
animateable a package provide animation for flutter apps Features # crossfade fades...
devilf DevilF 游戏引擎 # ...
fairbid flutter fairbid_flutter # Unofficial plugin for FairBid SDK from Fyber - the advertisement mediation platform....
flutter jsbridge jk flutter_jsbridge # flutter jsbridge plugin Getting Started # This project is...
splitwise api SplitWise API for Dart # A wrapper based on SplitWise Feel...
cn locate cn_locate # 封装的原生flutter高德定位组件. 用法 # import 'package:cn_locate/cn_locate.dart'; ... initLocation() async...
flutter file extention flutter_file_extention # Helper tools for managing files on Android. Getting Started #
or This package was created for divider that contains the word or in the middle. Can be...
umeng plugin umeng_plugin # umeng_plugin: 0.1.4 copied to clipboard Umeng统计插件 #...
shareapks shareapks # A flutter plugin for share you app to other device through...
flutter cellrebel sdk flutter_cellrebel_sdk # Flutter wrapper for CellRebelSDK Usage # In your application...
ravencoin ravencoin # A dart Ravencoin library, based on bitcoin_flutter and inspired by bitcoinjs. Released...
install prompt install_prompt # A Flutter plugin for request users to install the full...
show if ShowIf is an easier way to check a condition before showing the widget Normally...
flutter chs Flutter CHS CHINA HEALTHCARE SECURITY 缩写:CHS 中国医疗保障局(福建新大陆支付技术有限公司)Flutter插件 如果需要微信刷脸的功能请安装 wechat_face_payment 插件。 安装依赖...
jd adjoe plugin jd_adjoe_plugin # adjoe's flutter plugin Official website
payment page package payment_page_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
zl newplugin zl_newplugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
tunaf country code tunaf_country_code base on country_code_picker # A flutter package for showing a...
spectus tus uploader spectus_tus_uploader # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
s3i flutter S³I Flutter ...
nueli device nueli_device # Nueli Device [Early Access]. Getting Started # This project...
vcs general plugin vcs_general_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
proste lint proste_lint # You can view all the rules, select the rules that...
q action QAction is a simple package that lets you write an action link that comes after...
nueli nueli # Nueli Getting Started # This project is a starting point for...
dart json mapper built This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for types in order...
dart json mapper fixnum This is a dart-json-mapper complementary package provides support for types in order...
ha firestore scaffold Firestore Scaffold # Just like material Scaffold this Firestore Scaffold designed specifically for...
legalsoft package legalsoft_package # A compilmentary package for clients of legalsoft. Steps to follow: #
fcode common fcodecommon # Common algorithms and Widgets Getting Started # This project is...
pt linter pt_linter # An analyzer plugin to extend lint rules.
ecommerce products manager ecommerce_products_manager # ecommerce_products_manager is a dart/flutter package for managin and caching products for...
currency cloud Currency Cloud Dart API # A dart library for the...
falcon query Falcon ORM is built top of SQFLite Documentation # SOON Maintainers #
c scheme gen C-Scheme Gen # This is a package of generators. Currently, you can generate...
flutter hop A simple library for applying the Humble Object Pattern in order to create clean, testable...
sync once sync_once # The function will be called only once. The package inspired by...
flutter lints ymadd flutter_lints_ymadd # An extended lint rule set for better coding. Added a...
flutter async button flutter_async_button # A useful wrapper for Flutter buttons to support async operations