fz test package fz_test_package # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
kulrcellcheck TODO: Draw graph in custom format Features # TODO: Draw graph and display according...
flutter geetest plugin plus flutter_geetest_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
svr sklearn Support machine Vector For Regression (SVR)-Sklearn-dart # Implementation of sklearn svr model...
rizzu client This is a simple Networking Request Builder, written in Dart using Dio. Features #
flutter multiple downloader flutter_multiple_downloader # async multiple down manager for flutter
unpub aws unpub_aws # A collection of modules to use for deploying unpub into AWS infrastructure.
moreld apply theme TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
zitopay Zitopay Flutter SDK # This sdk aims at simplifying integration of zitopay into flutter projects.
fancy textfield fancy_textfield # Stylish Text Field Design Getting Started # Fancy Text Field...
stated result stated_result # A library built upon Bloc_Flutter and...
flutter checkbox dialog flutter-checkbox-dialog # https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68191253/135755315-93806fd7-7db4-41ad-8cbd-53693ce2a7b3.mov
posapp posapp # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
wmc personalized plugin wmc_personalized_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
smartiiqrcodesdk smartiiqrcodesdk # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project is a...
wifi iot flutter sdk old Introduction # Plugin Flutter which can handle WiFi connections (AP, STA)
map place picker Map Place Picker # The project relies on below packages. Map using...
tdl Tdl # A flutter plugin for TDLib JSON interface, ffi binding. Installation...
wx sdk wx_sdk # 微信sdk插件 Getting Started # 使用前需要先调用init,后面的接口直接看源文件 ...
flutter the log flutter_the_log # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
tanggal Tanggal # Require # dart v2.14.3 flutter v2.5.2...
lost lost # A package for finding Hecho en 🇵🇷 por Radamés J. Valentín Reyes
vesti logger vesti_logger # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
compound interest calculator Compound Interest Calculator Functions # This package allows you to easily perform financial...
flatpickr Flatpickr (Dart) # Dart JS interop for Flatpickr v4+ - a lightweight and powerful datetime...
fcode bloc Fcode Labs Firebase Repository Architecture for BLoC # This package is the Firebase Repository...
dygraph Dygraph (Dart) # Dart JS interop for Dygraph v2+ - fast, flexible open source JavaScript...
bcs utilities TODO: This package is not for private use.
mobx resource bloc MobX Resource Bloc # Bloc + MobX = ??? Create resource blocs...
pythonic utils PythonUtils # Pythonic useful functions and classes for Dart. Features # itertools...
fast ecs Fast ECS # Simple and fast Entity-Component-System (ECS) library written in Dart. CPU...
caesar salad caesar_salad # A Caesar cipher library with 0% security in it and 100% trolliness.
random qr plugin random_qr_plugin # A simple Flutter plugin that generates random number. Getting Started...
vklib VK SDK for Dart. # VK SDK for Dart allows you to use the VK...
custom dropdown tcb custom_dropdown_tcb # Custom dropdown with search, dialogbox and many more versatile features. Supports...
get widget properties get_widget_properties # Package for obtaining the widget position and size in the app
kenken Kenken # Create kenken with defined size. Auto fill kenken with rules. Set...
neo reusables Neo Reusables # This package contains most of the reusables I use when starting...
pelpay flutter Pelpay Flutter SDK # Welcome to Pelpay's Flutter SDK. This library will help you...
awesome plugin awesome_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
go navigate go Navigate # Navigate Like a pro from one Screen to another Using go...
native video view null safe native_video_view # A video player widget displayed using the platform native...
easy firebase auth easy_firebase_auth # Add Firebase authentication to your Flutter app with a few lines...
async button hook async_button_hook # Include the package: async_button_hook: <latest_version> copied to...
simple image picker TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
pip services3 elasticsearch ElasticSearch components for Dart # This module is a part of the Pip.Services...
pip services3 prometheus Prometheus components for Dart # This module is a part of the Pip.Services...
datacontext DataContext is a library that allows you to map your server API and create a context...
harmony sdk Harmony Dart SDK # A Dart SDK for the Harmony chat protocol.
module provider Module Provider 🚀 # Create great applications, organizing your code structure in modules, with...
desire Desire # Re-compose Widget style.
floret Floret # Static collection of utilities widget, to be use with Desire.
egov mgramseva widgets TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
bindgo BindGo #
ice Ice Dart # Implement ZeroC Ice in pure Dart. Worked client demo: void...
flutter app package flutter_app_package # A new Flutter application. Getting Started # This project...
ivy flutter common utils flutter_common_utils # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This...
flutter pkgss flutter_pkg # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
payment page sdk payment_page_sdk # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
caris controll speed caris_controll_speed # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
app controll speed app_controll_speed # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
pip services3 grpc GRPC Calls for Dart # This module is a part of the Pip.Services...
qiscus meet qiscus_meet # Qiscus Meet is a WebRTC compatible, free and Open Source video conferencing...
tig ep utils tig_ep_utils # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
mina reader mina_reader # Read Plain Text books. Make highlight, bold, italic selected text. Read with...
flutter pkid flutter_pkid # Flutter for Pkid Getting Started # This project is a...
flutter pangolin unionad 更新日志 # [0.0.1] - TODO: 穿山甲广告支持到4.0.0.1版.仅支持iOS端 #
easy coding big_head_softwares # This package helps you to write code faster and be more productive
cubos widgets Cubos Widgets # Flutter package containing the most used Widgets in Cubos Tecnologia's projects.
dart softcorp dashboard Softcorp Dashboard Dart Proto Package # Contains protofiles for the Softcorp Dashboard project.
pip services3 redis Redis components for Dart # This module is a part of the Pip.Services...
flutter flexible pay flutter_flexible_pay # Make Stripe payments via Google pay & Apple Pay...
fetch pool FetchPool # A library to easily and asynchronously download a list of URLs in...
radyz unique testpackage
majority judgment Majority Judgment for Dart #
flutter paint components 用于在画布搭建中静态渲染组件,依赖父容器统一限制大小后,内部进行渲染。 publish # flutter pub publish copied to clipboard Features...
evaluation app evaluation_app # 跳到相应的应用市场对app进行评价. Getting Started # 使用示例: //appID的值:;iOS是app在App Store的app id,Android是应用的package name
common theme class common_theme_class # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
calculate apy calculate_apy # Using CalculateAPY class to calculate APY (Annual Percentage Yield) # Annual...
flutter app testings flutter_app_testings # A new Flutter application. Getting Started # This project...
chessboard js chessboard_js # A widget to display a chessboard and control the logic of the...
enzona Descripción # Esta librería es un SDK (aún en desarrollo) que tiene como objetivo facilitar...
enzona flutter Descripción # Este plugin para Flutter (aún en desarrollo) tiene como objetivo complementar el...
pattern finder pattern_finder # pattern_finder is a compact library written in Dart language that is primarily...
fmin TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
cmbpbflutter CmbpbFlutter # Flutter 招商一网通支付 SDK。 相关文档 # 招商一网通支付接入文档...
stack bottomsheet framework TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
ah widgets ah_widgets # Kumpulan widgets buat kamu Cara menggunakan # Install package #
worker isolate Long running isolate to keep the heavy work off from UI thread. Usage #
nueli core TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
nueli ui TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
circular card circular_card # A new Flutter package to easily generate a circular card Getting...
prompter id
layout tools layout_tools # Flutter package, which provides a lot of layout tools, metrics and builders
units helper A library provides unit helpers and extensions to simplifying the code. Installation #...
getbase Getbase # Flutter Package For Getbase backend , Getbase is a Self host Nodejs...
simple bloom filter simple_bloom_filter 🎯 # A simple Dart implementation of a bloom filter. Bloom filters...
single store single_store # a simple store hold all values in a singleton, recommended for use...
phlox test package TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...