incremental dom bindings incremental_dom_bindings # Dart binding for the Incremental DOM library. From the original...
apetito product api client apetito Product API Client # A client for accessing the apetito Product...
mcauthlib Mojang's Yggdrasil authentication for Dart. # Features # Getting started #...
ve code gen ve_code_gen # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
flutterx intent flutterx_intent # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter observable locator Flutter Observable Locator # Provides Flutter widgets for integrating with observable_locator How...
truth truth # ⚠️ WIP and highly experimental ⚠️ # A...
dart bitcoin ops dart-bitcoin-ops # Bitcoin OP Codes. Installation # dart pub add dart_bitcoin_ops
umcs This repository is for publish purposes UMCS(untact movement control system) # 비대면이동통제시스템 #
proxity flutter proxity_flutter # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
style literal Style Literal # This library contains literals for height, padding, margin, width How...
base encoding base_encoding # base_encoding is a compact and standalone encoding library that provides at the...
upnp port forward upnp_port_forward # upnp port forward daemon use # import 'package:upnp_port_forward/init.dart' show...
req req # http get or post with timeout ( default 60 seconds ) use...
flutter cupertinopicker flutter_cupertinopicker # A new Flutter package for cupertino style datepicker in Chinese Getting...
rmwlog rmwlog # simple log , can custom log output function use # import...
kanza kanza # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
wave image wave_image # Wave Image. With flutter Wave image you can have a simple...
asx calendar Asx Calendar #
escada TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
zir semantic search Flutter Semantic Search Plugin This documentation demonstrates how to integrate the...
better app better-app: # flutter common utils
better cli TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
xpay xpay # A Flutter Pay Plugin Platfrom # The future wall support...
tau web Flutter Sound_web # This is the Flutter Web implementation of Flutter Sound
ng color picker Live example # Visit the live example hosted by github-pages Usage #
peer5 Peer5 Flutter # Flutter plugin to integrate with the Peer5 native SDKs on Android and...
json value JsonValue # It's easier to get the values from Jaon data Getting Started...
hellotest TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
lexactivator lexactivator # LexActivator API wrapper for Dart (licensing library) Getting Started # The...
nohfibu Dart Fi(nanz) Bu(chhaltung) # Dart implementation for financial accounting, according to the principle of the...
up down counter TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
bea flutter package bea_flutter_package # BEA Flutter Package, contains all the basic functionality of the standard...
delusion script delusion_script 剧本解析器 # 此插件用来和 flutter_avg_engine 配合使用,用于解析 delusion script 剧本脚本 现在引擎正处于开发阶段,此插件也仅用于个人测试,请不要下载应用 使用方法:...
loopi share loopi_share # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
location plugin location_plugin # A location Flutter plugin. Getting Started # 基于腾讯地图的位置定位服务 hashMap.put("latitude",tencentLocation.getLatitude());//返回当前位置的纬度.
pretty log dart log with color #
kondratyonok test plugin kondratyonok_test_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
awareframework calls Aware Calls # The Calls sensor logs call events performed by or...
flutter share social flutter_share_social # Share to Facebook and Zalo (coming soon) Flutter plugin. Getting...
kite http kite_http # Features # Middleware
sign dart signdart # This is a pure Dart library for elliptic curve research and practical...
wordpress new TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
mycustomplugin mycustomplugin # A new flutter plugin project to show toast for android and ios apps.
kloktun helper TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
cupertino plus cupertino_plus # ⚠️ Experimental and work in progress ⚠️ #
aquatic TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
zenonine lints Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used in ZenoNine's packages. ...
cache it cache_it # A simple cache package. Install Dependencies # Add the following...
flame composition rendering Usage FlamePluginComponent # A simple usage example: import 'package:composition_rendering/scene.dart'; import 'package:flame/flame.dart';
universities Universities # This package allows you to search all universities in Brazil. Usage #
sample package japan TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
awareframework screen Aware Screen # The screen sensor monitors the screen statuses, such as...
clickable tv Clickable Tv # Clicable Object for Android Tv App. Usage: ClickableTv(...
melalert TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
smart object smart_object # Inspired from...
hgg view hgg_view # 基础 Hgg UI Getting Started # This project is a...
ehsure pda plugin ehsure_pda_plugin # An Ehsure PDA Flutter plugin. Getting Started # a...
c2c flutter call kit connectycube_flutter_call_kit # A Flutter plugin for displaying call screen when the app...
inheritable Inheritable # Efficient by default, zero-dependency, declarative state/dependency management for flutter. Examples #...
airwatch socket workaround airwatch_socket_workaround # This plugin has been created to enable flutter apps to reach...
pb focus detector Focus Detector # Get notified every time your widget appears or disappears from...
zuk fancy container Fancy Containers # Fancy container package lets you add a beautiful gradient container...
jiosaavn wrapper jiosaavn_wrapper #
flutter printer test flutter_printer # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
dart merkle lib merkle-lib # A performance conscious library for merkle root and tree calculations....
caogiahieu99testpublish TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
flutter generate assets flutter_generate_assets # Automatically generate the dart file for pubspec.yaml The purpose of...
appcenter flutter AppCenter Plugin for flutter # ====== This plugin currently bundles appcenter analytics and...
waafipay sdk Waafipay # THis Is WaafiPay Integration Test What i want to do to...
package test test package_test # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
dart bitcoin pushdata pushdata-bitcoin # Encode/decode value as bitcoin OP_PUSHDATA integer Example # import...
reservoir A table-like datatype with indices. Works well with HiveDB. Usage # An example of...
indicator navbar indicator_navbar # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
poly simplify Simplify Algorithm # The simplify algorithm ( With 2 and 3 dimensional points.
flytheme flytheme # 快速实现三种主题效果。 本插件是从矿小助App中拆分出来的,优化了很多细节,更加简单易用。 内置持久化存储(使用share_preference实现) 矿小助App: 快速上手 # 首先,导入fly_theme到pubspec.yaml文件...
split remote config plugin split_remote_config_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
hordev2 hordev2 # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
flutter minemap wdr flutter_minemap # MineData地图组件 Flutter插件 依赖 # dependencies: flutter:
flutter minemap flutter_minemap # MineData地图组件 Flutter插件 依赖 # dependencies: flutter:...
balance rules A library for Dart developers. Usage # A simple usage example: import...
flutterformpackage Flutter Form # The easy way to develop form application in Flutter. ...
ksalert view KSAlertView # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
android foreground alive android_foreground_alive # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
bitsdojo window windows new bitsdojo_window_windows # The Windows implementation of bitsdojo_window.
bitsdojo window temp9527 bitsdojo_window # A Flutter package that makes it easy to customize and work...
connect flutter connect_flutter # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
datoit English | 简体中文 ...
cassandart Cassandra database client in Dart # The package can be used with Cassandra...
fullauth api flutter client fullauth_api_flutter_client # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started #...
get net get_net # Package to do payments using api getnet Getting Started #...
calculadv calculadv # Flutter package que Calcula o dígito verificador(DV) de um CPF. Para que...
xscore xscore # 这是一个常用工具集xscore,还有python版的xscorepy,C#版的xscore
quake android native methods [TOC] 夸克安卓原生方法插件 # 夸克安卓原生方法插件 使用方法: # 调用Android原生方法 #...
quake collection plugin 夸克我的收藏插件 # 夸克我的收藏插件 使用方法: # 1. 调用Android原生方法 # 跳转到人脸识别界面:...
show search page Features # 展示搜索页面,自定义搜索内容 Getting started # dependencies: show_search_page: <last version>
wallet hd coins wallet_hd_coins # wallet_hd # A Flutter package project , it is use...
wluper plugin flutter Wluper Plugin # Getting Started # Add the package in...
vibio bluetooth core vibio_bluetooth_core # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
dartup test dartup_test # dartup_test provides few test extensions to write tests in Flutter. Test...