custom view custom_view # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
iotpay flutter plugin iotpay_flutter_plugin # Provide Iotpay service for Wechat, Alipay, Unionpay, Credit Getting Started...
awesome spiderchart ns awesome_spiderchart_ns # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
basic ui kit basic_ui_kit # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
weird listener weird_listener # Simplest state management! # Flutter State Management library with zero boilerplate...
gc base package TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
chopper2 Chopper # Documentations Installation # # pubspec.yaml dependencies:
chopper2 generator chopper2 is an http client generator using source_gen and inspired by Retrofit.
dishhq DishHQ for flutter # Dish makes shipping software productive by managing all the hassle of...
arb resource value parser A simple command-line application.
arb file parser TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
expanding cards expanding_cards # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
sliver spinner Sliver-spinner # Description # Simple sliver that spin when moving out...
card carousel TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
apklisinfo apklisinfo # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
bloc services bloc_services # A package which has useful implementations of streams for bloc considered with...
zxj city pickers Language: English city_pickers # 中国的城市三级联动选择器 Demo #
bep53 bep53-range # Parse and compose Magnet URI extension (BEP53) ranges. Dart port of
config widget config_widget # Configure display widget
tdproto dart tdproto_dart # Autogenerated Tada API data types for dart. Autogenerated by...
batch rename A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and...
overlap transition Step 1: Install a controller. final controller = OverlapTransitionController(); copied to clipboard
flutter 3d ball flutter_3d_ball # 一个自动旋转的仿3D球体 特性 # 支持手动/自动转动...
update app k This is a variant lib from update_app, for fix some bugs. Bug Fix...
g faraday k Faraday English # 一个Flutter混合栈开发解决方案...
contact selector contact_selector # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
array util array_util # array utils for flutter Getting Started # This project is...
s custom alert TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
nomorepass NoMorePass DART libraries # This library allows you to use the system to send...
itbee nav bar Demo # Description # You can easily use a bottom...
s socket io common socket_io_common # common parser library for Dart 2
auth3 admin sdk Auth3 Dart SDK # The official Auth3 dart SDK library. API Documentation...
auth3 Auth3 # Auth3 meta-package, please do not use or depend on this directly. Check...
flutter customer chat flutter_customer_chat # A flutter package for customer chat....
responsive text TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
zhugeio Flutter集成文档 # 诸葛io移动统计支持Flutter框架,以下为集成方法。 1.在项目中添加安装插件 # 在Flutter项目的pubspec.yaml文件中添加zhugeio依赖包 dependencies: # zhugeio flutter plugin
yizz plugin yizz_plugin 0.0.4 # Flutter常用工具类 使用 # 在程序入口需要初始化service服务 initServices() async {...
tencent im sdk mobile tencent_im_sdk_mobile # Tencent Cloud IM SDK for mobile app. Getting Started...
tencent im sdk tencent_im_sdk # Tencent Cloud IM SDK Getting Started # This project...
jd adtiming plugin jd_adtiming_plugin # flutter plug-in, used to be compatible with adtiming in ios and...
dotup flutter wear dotup_flutter_wear # A plugin that offers Flutter support for Wear OS by Google...
worklint Worklint # Recommended Flutter Lint Configs [ Worklet Team ]
leiratech trackzero Usage # Initialization # Initialize the TrackZeroClient instance by passing in your API...
all in one basic All In One Basic Plugin # All in one basic plugin for...
flutter ads 0.4.3 # 新的广告使用方法 # flutter_ads: ^0.4.3 新增预初始化 TTAD激励视频接口 # preInitVideo...
ali trtc plugin ali_trtc_plugin # trtc Getting Started # This project is a starting...
channel monitor channel_monitor # monitor flutter platform channel profiler, include EventChannel, MethodChannel, and BinaryChannel. 中文文档
tars flutter 关于项目 # Tars RPC通信框架的Flutter支持库(Flutter Support Library For Tars RPC framework) 什么是Tars
denki denki # calc of electricity 電気技術者向けの計算パッケージです。 Getting Started # This project is...
vmobject Base classes used to build Flutter project follow pattern MVVM Classes #...
cool animations Cool Animations # A simple, colorful and fluid...
wow talent calculator WoW Talent Calculator # A dart package for handling wow talent calculator logic...
ar test plugin ar_test_plugin # It's just a test project Getting Started # This...
iso8583 iso8583 # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
agconnect apm AppGallery Connect APM for Flutter # Introduction # App Performance Management (APM) of...
textfield mask textfield_mask # Text mask Getting Started # This project is a starting...
netfi TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
fl responsive responsive # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter nagad TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
extension mt A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and...
easynetflutter easynetflutter # Componentes Widget EasyNet Getting Started # This project is a starting...
xapptor router Xapptor Router # Router Module for Web and Mobile Navigation. #...
hybrid provider HyBrid Provider consumes advanced and mixed option for app state management in flutter project...
lamp2 A new Flutter package project. Getting Started This project is a starting point for...
fk photos fk_photos # 基于 wechat_assets_picker, wechat_camera_picker, flutter_image_compress,...
inject it We are going to create a pre-built dependency injector. The idea of this injector...
async button core ../../
dart minimaldata dart_minimaldata # Following BIP62.3, this module validates that a script uses only minimal data...
feather svg icons Feather Svg Icons # Is a wrapping of feather svg icons using Flutter...
mia mercadopago mia_mercadopago # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project...
hn api Hacker News API Dart Client # Hacker news API client built in dart.
flutter socket logger 背景 # 手机App打包安装后,开发、测试有时要查看程序的实时日志输出,来定位和排查问题。 一般选择在App内集成一个小的console界面来打印日志,但是受限于屏幕尺寸,查看和搜索日志都不太方便。 能不能把手机App的运行日志实时打印到PC屏幕上来进行分析呢? flutter_socket_logger 可以帮你快速实现这个功能! 特性 #
destination destination # A library makes Flutter Navigation 2.0 easy...
danso function danso_function 🔥🔥🔥 # v 2.0.0 is released!! Applied Null Safety Release Note...
flutter jsbridge plugin Add JsBridge Plugin to the WebView # A Flutter plugin that provides a...
flutter yii qiyu Qiyu # Flutter目前官方沒有支援,所以自行實作原生SDK,製作 Flutter Package
calc manager Getting started # This is a test package Additional information # This...
multi image viewer TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
responsive svg icons Responsive Svg Icons # Is a wrapping of responsive svg icons using Flutter...
custom route transitions john00cristobal TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
origami endpoint
spatial Spatial Widget Container for Flutter # This package contains a Container to add spatial properties...
props flutter notificationsdk props_flutter_notificationsdk # A new Flutter package. Getting Started # This project...
button tab TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
flutter sizefit flutter_sizefit # flutter_sizefit 是一个简单适配的框架 简单用例 # 1.在 pubspec.yaml 中添加依赖 //pub方式...
resource bloc test Resource Bloc Test # Tools for testing for resource blocs This packages...
flutter paging widget flutter_paging_widget # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
askai framework askai_framework # 自用插件上传plugin_demo AsKai's framework Getting Started #
typed serializer Typed Serializer # TypedSerializer is a mixin that adds methods to convert objects from...
easy buttons easy_buttons # Getting started # ClassFunc first package library Usage...
pip services3 data Persistence components for Dart # This module is a part of the Pip.Services...
g captcha updated Flutter g_captcha # A flutter plugin for reCAPTCHA v2 - android. The FREE...
pip clients activities Activities Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client SDK...
pip services accounts User Accounts Microservice # This is a user account management microservice from Pip.Services...
rad video player platform interface rad_video_player_platform_interface # Interface for working with the rad_video_player plugin
rad video player Video Player plugin for Flutter # Modification of video_player plugin to work with...
hook controller HookController # Simple hooks system, used to modify value or the context of specific...
flutter firim version update You can prompt that has a version that can be upgraded...
pip services roles Roles Microservice # This is a user roles microservice from Pip.Services library....
testdialogplugin <<<<<<< HEAD testdialogplugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...