dd taoke sdk 购物app通用接口 flutter 版本 # 仅供学习使用,可以直接运行例子 新版本 # ...
feature builder A sample command-line application with an entrypoint in bin/, library code in lib/, and...
onyx lighting Onyx Lighting for Dart # This package provides a Dart interface to the Onyx...
flutter axelor sdk flutter_axelor_sdk # Powerful, helpful, extensible and highly customizable API's that wrap http client...
rest api helper A Dart and Flutter library to simplify rest api requests. Features #...
flexi Beside predefined breakpoint systems, such as Material, you can create your fixed and responsive layout...
open brewery db Pub pub points Likes Popularity CI License
slaba pro slaba_pro # A new flutter plugin project. Made by Samuel Adekunle x O'Bounce...
lonate A super effective Dart and Flutter library for delivering performant app🌝 & ensuring greater build speed...
barcode scanner mlkit barcode_scanner_mlkit # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
typed event notifier The TypedEventNotifier library allows notifying listeners with an object. listeners can be subscribed...
cloud data encryption This package allows user to encrypt the private data of the users or the...
continuation token Encode and decode continuation token values for stateless pagination APIs. Continuation data is a...
bottom action sheet bottom_action_sheet # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
nuntio flutter core TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
keepswitch Settings UI for Flutter # ...
uic2 UI_COMPONENTS (UI Components) # Note: The https://pub.dev/packages/uic package has been made null-safety. A...
flutter package demo 1 flutter_package_demo # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
ez widgets This is a flutter package for my personal use as now Features #...
prompter martini Question and Answer modules
animated button flutter animated_button_flutter # This is Flutter Animated Button. Installation # dependencies:...
push sdk push_sdk # A new Flutter project for mitake push platform . Using #
sparrow image picker for web sparrow_image_picker_for_web # A web implementation of sparrow_image_picker. Limitations on the...
take off TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
oursms OurSMS - Flutter # Flutter API Integration This package provides simple lightweight methods in...
pip clients email Email Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client SDK...
flutter ii package epitech zhiwen Flutter II Package Epitech Scool project, the goal is to create...
pip services msgtemplates MessageTemplates microservice # This is msgtemplates microservice from Pip.Services library. It shows...
scientisst sense scientisst-sense-api-flutter # The ScientISST SENSE Flutter API Dependencies # TODO Installing...
pip clients msgtemplates MessageTemplates Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client SDK...
pip services email Email Delivery Microservice # This is a email delivery microservice from Pip.Services library.
pip services emailsettings Email Settings Microservice # This is a email settings microservice from Pip.Services library.
parseserver openid flutter This package adds OpenID authentication to the parse_server_sdk_flutter package. By authenticating against an...
flutter app feedback Flutter App Feedback # Taking feedback from the user made easy! Simply...
e notification platform interface e_notification_platform_interface # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This...
e notification platform fcm Easy To Use FCM Notification # How To Use # Android...
dotup dart copyright builder dotup_dart_copyright_builder # Dart package that generates a header for each dart file.
zk form g tform # A easy, extensible and dynamic flutter form framework. Support for custom...
flutter audio player windows flutter_audio_player_windows # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
smart dropdown field TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
flutter sound system Flutter Sound System # Flutter sound recorder and player. Getting Started #
bfportalbuilder Battlefield Portal Builder # This is a Dart framework/builder for scripting Battlefield Portal without the...
cfg lib CFG.Config # A Dart library for working with the CFG configuration format. Installation...
pip clients emailsettings Email Settings Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client...
pip services smssettings Sms Settings Microservice # This is a sms settings microservice from Pip.Services library.
pip clients smssettings Sms Settings Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client...
pip services msgdistribution Message Distribution Microservice # This microservice is distributes messages to one or many...
pip clients msgdistribution Message Distribution Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client...
pip services activities # Party Activities Microservice # This is a party activity logging microservice...
pip services passwords Passwords Microservice # This is a password authentication microservice from Pip.Services library....
pip clients passwords Passwords Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client SDK...
pip clients roles Roles Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client SDK...
kanye rest api A kanye.rest api client for Flutter. # This package can be used to...
sloth chat sloth_chat # 模拟微信聊天界面
contacts helper Usage # To use this plugin, add contacts_helper as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml...
sms helper A flutter plugin to help you get the device's sms. Only Android. Usage #
tets sdk tets_sdk # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
june sketch june_sketch # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter key hash flutter_key_hash # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
state graph bloc state_graph_bloc # State Graph Builder for Dart. Allows to define states, their transitions...
is nth run is_nth_run # A package to check if it is the n-th time the...
google atlas google_atlas # Google Maps Atlas Provider that is built to...
test in case test_in_case # A dart test utility for creating variations of...
video cutter TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
lenco pay with transfer widget Lenco Banking pay with transfer widget Features # generate account...
flutter truecaller sdk flutter_truecaller_sdk # Flutter plugin that uses Truecaller's...
flutter simple image utils flutter_simple_image_utils # A small image utils package for flutter written in dart.
easy integration testing easy_integration_testing # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
file finder file_finder # A Flutter plugin for finding files by extension on the filesystem....
sysexits sysexits.dart # This is a port from <sysexits.h> promoting standardization of exit codes. Usage...
appwheel flutter appwheel_flutter # 适用于iOS、Android双端使用的订阅SDK
base lib TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
sequential navigator sequential_navigator # A vertical sequential sidebar navigation panel A way to sequentially control...
getx tr maker Flutter GetX Translations marker # install # dev_dependencies:
mock byte stream Mocks a dart byte stream. Useful for simulating a network connection in unit tests.
tplib tplib # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project is a...
my hk reader my_hk_reader # custom hk reader plugin. for demo use. How to publish...
getbgm getbgm # 提取视频的背景音 Getting Started # This project is a starting point for...
glfw dart GLFW Dart # dart:ffi bindings for GLFW library Install # Add this...
gl dart OpenGL Dart # dart:ffi bindings for OpenGL Install # Add this to...
js ui components js_ui_components # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This...
hash toast Toast #
better print better_print # A better way to print. Often time we use print for...
eventful widget eventful_widget # A Flutter package that uses bloc to encourage separation of logic from...
sane flog sane_flog # A sane flutter api logging library. How to use...
lyx app upgrade app_upgrade完全根据 https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_app_upgrade ,因为flutter_app_upgrade弹窗样式不能自定义,为了方便使用仅把下载apk的方法提供出来,可以让大家自定义弹窗样式,在此感谢作者的开源,如有侵权请联系删除。 添加依赖 # 1、在pubspec.yaml中加入: dependencies: lyx_app_upgrade: ^0.0.2...
paypal payment rest api TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
sampleplugin sampleplugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
dapr proto Dapr_proto # An assiting package for dapr_client package. The primary purpose of this...
gstreamer launch gstreamer_launch # A plugin to use gstreamer in your desktop applications (and possibly in...
env manager Usually in an application it is necessary to have at hand a system to manage...
mobsdk plugin mobsdk_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
slio biometrics slio-biometrics #
p5 fusion dart p5_fusion_dart # Library that can calculate fusions in Persona 5 game. Example...
fw color contrast TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
question wizard This library allows you to play a wizard game.
custom route transition drun Route transition - pluggin de transiciones de pantallas Features #
iconnexz iconnexz # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
bls bls # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This project is...
flutter color buttons Getting started # Flutter Color Buttons ...