lgcre LGCRE (Local Graph Context-based Recommender Engine) # This is a library that implements a recommender...
nessmediametadataretriever nessmediametadataretriever # nessmediametadataretriever A Flutter plugin to read metadata of media files for Android...
widget ext Features # add some extensions for Widget
fxendit FXendit # Using Xendit in Flutter. Getting Started # Add dependency to your...
p install p_install # 不成熟的 app 更新插件 Android 直接安装 apk iOS 跳转应用商店 Getting...
electric electric # It is an electric calculation package Documment 参考資料 # 電気主任技術者関連...
expandedfab expandedfab # A new Flutter package project. Getting Started # This project is...
twitter extractor twitter_extractor # This plugin lets you extract tweets for the given link Features...
flextech Flextech # Projeto de componentes flutter da empresa Flextech Sobre # add no...
fabu utils FABU Utils # Extensions and other utilities for Dart and Flutter projects.
hhlifecycle flutter 已知问题:存在不继承LifeCycleBaseState的widget,onPause onResume也会走,如果有页面不继承请自行判断当前路由 使用方法 class _Page1State extends LifeCycleBaseState<Page2> { @override...
lighthouse test TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
quake tensorflow face rec 夸克tensorFlow人脸识别插件 # 夸克tensorFlow人脸识别插件 依赖: # implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar',...
flutter paw ffi Flutter PAW FFI # A PAW, Nano, Banano cryptocurrency library for the Dart...
my testing package The library is used for testing purpose and this will be marked as discontinued...
my search plugin my_search_plugin # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
tabmaker dart TabMaker # This little script turns tabs that I can understand into markdown....
shared preferences monitor Package created to make it easy to see the state of the shared preferences...
flyper image card Flutter + Hypermedia = Flyper. This package is an Image Card that helps implementing...
flutter js context This package enhances the interoperability between Dart and flutter_js. Features # Use...
shared preferences hhz Shared preferences plugin # Wraps platform-specific persistent storage for simple data
flyper list tile Flutter + Hypermedia = Flyper. This package is an List Tile that helps implementing...
custom folder gallery Custom Folder Gallery # Creates a custom folder in gallery. Getting Started...
value extensions value_extensions # Set of extensions on ValueListenable that allows to use it as Streams...
twitter auth nullsafety twitter_auth_nullsafety # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started # This...
style mongo style_mongo # Style mongo is a DataAccess implementation for style_dart. Usage #...
flutter bloc basic Flutter Bloc Basic 说明 # 基于 Bloc 框架封装的快速开发架构 工程结构 |-- flutter_bloc_basic
native main thread native_main_thread # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
custom route transition dllm Route Transitions # Este paquete ayuda a la transicion de rutas....
enum assist Enum Assist Seamlessly generate extension methods and json conversion classes for your enums!...
mago merlino ✨ Mago Merlino ✨ # Features # Generates flutter feature BLOC/REPO/VIEW
universal router universal_router # This package is a implementation of Navigator 2.0. Supported Router Table concept.
cullen utilities utilities # A utilities package. Getting Started # This project is a...
easy input Easy input # A simple Python-style package for working with stdin and files....
mongorpc mongorpc-dart # mongorpc client for flutter import 'package:mongorpc/mongorpc.dart'; Future<void> main(List<String> args)...
next design next_design # A Flutter package with design variants. Getting Started # This...
prompter cli info about this project
u navi bar u_navi_bar # This plugin is a simple and beautiful Material You styled Navigation...
emas tlog emas_tlog # ali emas tlog 阿里巴巴flutter 版本 远程日志 TLog 介绍 #...
sh qrscan Language: English | 中文简体 QR Code Scanner # A...
additional exceptions
kraken devtools Kraken Devtools # A kraken plugin which starting a service to provide Chrome DevTools...
timeliner TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
double extension TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
cydrive sdk TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
pip services sessions Sessions Microservice # This is user sessions microservice from Pip.Services library. It...
flutter create For creating custom flutter project from template A standalone solution to issue https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/15279...
pip clients accounts User Accounts Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client...
coinbase exchange coinbase_exchange # An unofficial sdk for the coinbase cloud exchange. Getting...
nabi Nabi # Nabi is docking layout package for Flutter. Warning # It's still...
paynow bloc Paynow Bloc # An extension of the Paynow Package implemented as a Bloc for...
romantic analysis Romantic Analysis # Lint rules for...
vschttpd VSCHTTPD # Dart server for hosting your local flutter web apps inside the VS Code...
friendly component TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
idkit timeformat idkit_timeformat # Introduce # This is a toolkit for time formatting, which can...
flutter midtrans payment Midtrans Payment Gateway for Flutter # Flutter Midtrans Payment Plugin ...
pip clients sessions Sessions Microservice Client SDK for Dart # This is a Dart client SDK...
keeper Keeper # Keeper simplifies storage of state. Just point where it should be saved, and...
keeper codegen Keeper Codegen # The Keeper Codegen is the package that provides the code generation...
keeper hive Keeper Hive # Keeper Hive integrates Keeper with hive allowing to save fields easily...
ravencoin wallet ravencoin # A dart Ravencoin library, based on bitcoin_flutter and inspired by bitcoinjs....
raven electrum A Dart-based client for Ravencoin ElectrumX servers Notes # The Ravencoin ElectrumX server...
mbads 字节跳动穿山甲广告 Flutter版本 # 简介 # mbadd是一款集成了穿山甲Android和iOSSDK的Flutter插件,瀑布流广告,方便直接调用穿山甲SDK方法开发 集成步骤 # 1、pubspec.yaml...
own notify own_notify # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is...
smorcl TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
noise score view noise_score_view # A scrollable widget container for desktop, supports vertical and horizontal....
extender TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
smartpos flutter Elgin SmartPOS # Plugin Elgin SmartPOS para flutter. O plugin ainda esta em...
buxdotph Bux.ph Dark SDK # Secure Bux Credentials Implementation (Optional) # Add [envify]...
wbj package TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
jd fyber plugin jd_fyber_plugin # A new Flutter plugin. Getting Started # This project...
area picker area_picker # A new Flutter area picker package.
toasthandler TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know whether...
peter package demo TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
supchat client supchat_client # SupChat client app. Getting Started # This project is a...
simpleticket simpleticket # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project is a...
voice label voice_label # A new Flutter widget. A Label widget that can play audio.
quadrant components TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users know...
sr tracksdk flutter plugin sr_tracksdk_flutter_plugin # A new flutter plugin project. Getting Started #...
peter plugin demo peter_plugin_demo # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
customtoastshow Features # Heartbeat animations Full customized text Built in animations...
test package demo TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
crab test package 001 TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users
king011 dart A library for Dart developers.
flowsense flutter plugin Flowsense Flutter Plugin # Installing the Flowsense SDK is fairly simple. Carefully follow...
any icon maker any_icon_maker # A configurable icon maker. ...
makeanyicon makeanyicon # Command-line Interface (CLI) for any_icon_maker.
dart nuntio Dart Connect # Dart wrapper for the GRPC Softcorp Connect services.
flutter extended collection flutter_extended_collection # A flutter package provides collection extentions, like LRU cache. Getting...
more functions more_functions # A dart package which provides a...
sli wizard
flutter privacy policy flutter_privacy_policy # A better UX to present your privacy policy Getting Started...
shared package flutter shared_package_flutter # A new Flutter package project. Como publicar https://medium.com/flutter-community/how-to-create-publish-and-manage-flutter-packages-b4f2cd2c6b90...
flutter paykun Flutter Paykun Payment Gateway - flutter_paykun # A Flutter plugin for Android...
package dialog demo TODO: Put a short description of the package here that helps potential users...
singh engine singh_engine # Getting started # To make it easy for you to get...
flutter plugin candy flutter_plugin_candy # A new Flutter project. Getting Started # This project...
flutter js datascript Using DataScript in Flutter Apps. This package is in very early...
unpubd unpubd # A docker container and management tools for running a local dart package respository.